Every unit is the same format Psychology layout Every unit is the same format
6 key areas Historical development and cultural context Key Concepts Basic assumptions Application Methodology Strengths and Weaknesses
Psychodynamic Historical development and cultural context Victorian Society The structuralist vs. functionalist debate The role of Freud The role of the two world wars
Psychodynamic Key Concepts The personality triad Psychosexual development The unconscious - individual and collective Drive Theory Attachment theory Psychosocial development Archtypes
Psychodynamic Key Concepts Know the theorists! Freud Jung Adler Anna Freud Adler…
Psychodynamic Basic assumptions The major causes of behaviour have their origin in the unconscious. Psychic determinism: all behaviour has a cause/reason. Behaviour is motivated by instinctual drives. Different parts of the unconscious mind are in contant struggle. Personality is shaped as the drives are modified by different conflicts at different stages of one's life.
Psychodynamic Gender role development Psychotherapy Application Gender role development Psychotherapy Personality types/theory
Psychodynamic Case studies - extrinsic vs. intrinsic Dream analysis Methodology Case studies - extrinsic vs. intrinsic Dream analysis Free association Projective tests (TAT, Rorschach) Ethical considerations
Psychodynamic Strengths vs Weaknesses Freud's ideas had a significant impact on psychology. Freud developed the case study method. Freud's theory has had some experimental support Psychoanalysis has proven very effective for many patients.
Psychodynamic Strengths vs Weaknesses A large majority of the theory is unrefutable and so is unscientific. Theory is based on historical reconstruction. There are problems of construct validity with several key concepts. Sample was primarily abnormal - and limited to a certain culture and class. Until recently, the perspective was primarily androcentric.