Contemporary Perspectives in Psychology
Behavioral Social Cognitive Theory n40hU&safe=active n40hU&safe=active Developed in the 1960s Believed in reward and punishment, but also in the value placed on different objects Help people overcome learned behavior by helping them acquire adaptive behavior
Psychodynamic Focuses on the inner lives-fantasies, wishes, dreams and hidden motives Believe psychological problems are rooted in childhood
Humanistic Response to behaviorism and Freudian psychology Believers like Maslow and Carl Rogers rejected their ideas Believe that free will, conscious choices, and responsibility for our actions are key Each individual possesses distinctive traits, abilities and perspectives on life Value self-awareness and being true to oneself
Physiological Examines relationships between biological processes and behavior Focuses on biological bases of behavior and mental processes
Evolutionary Applies principles of Darwin’s theory of evolution to a wide range of behavior Believe behavioral tendencies, like aggressive tendencies, have been genetically passed along Believe environment does have some influence
Cognitive Study mental processes in an effort to understand how people gain knowledge about themselves and the world They study how we learn, form concepts, solve problems and make decisions
Sociocultural Study how behavior and attitudes are shaped by social and cultural influences Influences of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.