WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN THE CLASSROOM By: Whitney Painter
RECORDINGS Flip Video Upload videos onto your computer of students and projects Embed videos into your website Record instructions for absent students Language Lab Record multiple student responses at one time Playback recordings for students to hear Save voice files Upload onto your website
RECORDINGS Voki talking avatar Create voki using recording, typing, or phone calls Leave instructions on blog Have students use for speaking assessment Embed on your blog to welcome visitors
IMAGES Flickr Thousands of real life pictures to choose from Photo slideshows Fotobabble Allows you to mutate pictures and edit them and make pictures move and talk Timetoast Have students create timelines online with photos
GAMES Class Tools Create interactive arcade grammar and vocabulary games Embed games into websites or blogs Shambles Links to hundreds of game and other websites Lanternfish Tons of worksheets, flashcards and games to implement into your curriculum
GAMES Crossword Creator Excellent review for vocab Ed Helper Awesome site!!! 10s of different game formats to choose from and create for all subjects Jeopardy Labs
PRESENTATIONS Prezi Create presentations with infinite space Embed music, videos, and images into presentations Create paths to make presentations flow Embed presentations on your website
PRESENTATIONS Slide share Create power point presentations to be uploaded to the web Download already created power points from other teachers Glogster Interactive collage maker] Google Docs Create and collaborate on documents on the Internet Gmail account
READING Interactive book creators Story Jumper Students can publish their work and parents can order a hardback copy if they want to. Story Bird Wordle Brainstorm chart creator
QUIZZES Quizlet Flash card creator You can create an account or use already created games Quizinator Upload documents, quizzes, review sheets etc. for students to download and print Create practice quizzes and review
WEBSITES Recordings Images
WEBSITES Presentations
WEBSITES Reading Quizzes Thank you all so much and I hope you can use some this!!!!! Happy teaching!!!