network of the future Leif Hansen Director of Engineering & Operations
What consumption trends are changing the network?
Global mobile data traffic grew 70 percent in 2012 In 2012, a fourth-generation (4G) connection generated 19 times more traffic on average than a non-4G connection Last year's mobile data traffic was nearly twelve times the size of the entire global Internet in 2000
Mobility Value SymbolKBMBGBTBPBEBZBYB Termkilobytemegabytegigabyteterabytepetabyteexabytezettabyteyottabyte
What consumption trends are changing the network? Mobility Video
Globally, consumer Internet video traffic will be 69 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2017, up from 57 percent in 2012 Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) will carry over half of Internet traffic in 2017 It would take an individual over 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month in 2017
Video Value SymbolKBMBGBTBPBEBZBYB Termkilobytemegabytegigabyteterabytepetabyteexabytezettabyteyottabyte
What consumption trends are changing the network? Mobility Video Cloud
By 2016, nearly two-thirds of all workloads will be processed in the cloud Global data center IP traffic will nearly quadruple over the next 5 years Traffic crossing the Internet and IP WAN networks is projected to reach 1.3 zettabytes per year in 2016 Value SymbolKBMBGBTBPBEBZBYB Termkilobytemegabytegigabyteterabytepetabyteexabytezettabyteyottabyte
Cloud Value SymbolKBMBGBTBPBEBZBYB Termkilobytemegabytegigabyteterabytepetabyteexabytezettabyteyottabyte
How does the network of the future respond?
Future Network - Capacity ▫Wireless 3G to LTE to LTE advanced g to ‘n’ to ‘ac’ New spectrum ▫Wireline 100 Gbps Ethernet Increasingly narrow wavelength channel width’s (12.5Ghz) 8 Tbps today on the backbone, next iteration is 32 Tbps then 80 Tbps.
How does the network of the future respond? Capacity Efficiency
Future Network - Efficiency Converged Network all using IP & Ethernet Remove legacy transport technologies ▫SONET, Frame Relay, ATM Further integration of routing and switching Further integration of optical and routing
How does the network of the future respond? Capacity Efficiency Scale & Transparency
Future Network – Scale & Transparency Further network management abstractions to simplify and scale network operations ▫Out with CLI ▫Service based monitoring and provisioning ▫Software Defined Networking (SDN) Increased network control and visibility from users ▫Granular application level visibility ▫User, usage and time based provisioning
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