How do waves form? By wind that blows across the water’s surface. The wind causes water particles to move up and down as a wave goes by. The water particles themselves don’t move forward. Think of it as wind blowing tall grass in the field. The grass moves back and forth but doesn’t move from its place.
Erosion by Wave Waves erode the land by impact and abrasion. Large waves hit the rocks along the shore causing them t to break apart. In shallow water, it picks up sediments and then when the wave hits the land it causes the sediments to wear away rock like sandpaper.
Landforms created by Wave Erosion Many features can be formed from waves as they hit up against a rocky coast. It starts wearing away and form many different types of features Examples: –S–Sea caves –C–Cliffs –S–Sea stacks –S–Sea Arches –P–Pillars
Deposits by Waves Waves shape the coast through both erosion and deposition. Deposition occurs when waves slow down and the water drops its sediments. Features formed from wave deposition –Beaches –Longshore drift –Spit
Deposition Formations A beach is an area of wave washed sediments along a coast. A longshore drift the sediments moves down the beach with the current. A spit is a beach that projects like a finger out into the water.