Today’s Greatest Technology Eliza Shontz Block 2B April
The Internet The Internet creates new ways for citizens to communicate and share information of a social nature. It is obvious that the Internet has and will continue to change the way we live. How it is changed, and how it will continue to change our lives.
Impact on Society Back in the day it would take days or even weeks for people to find out information. Now days it can take up to 10 minutes by surfing the internet.
Education People in the old days had to use books, and common sense to learn anything. Now days you can go on the internet and take collage courses and use different websites to help you improve your education.
Communication People in today’s world communicate with the internet every day. There is ing, Facebook, any other social networking, instant messaging etc. There wasn’t anything like this years and years back.
Entertainment There are thousands and thousands of ways to stay entertained on the internet. You have games, social networking, music, watching movies, watching YouTube videos. And you can research just about anything you can think of.
Cons on internet People can come “addicted” to the internet. Meaning that they are always on the internet. People can loose personal communication abilities. People sometime will believe what ever they see on the internet that may be invalid.
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