Introduction The Climate Change is an issue of humanity. It cannot be solved just by technological fix; or just by environmental fix, or just by economic fix. It is rooted in the deviation of understanding of human nature, human relations, humanity and living beings and the space.
Climate Injustice Climate Change took place as a result of injustice 150 years of colonialism and neocolonialism and imperialism. The solution to Climate Change has been put within injustice Frameworks – market oriented vs. the human and ecological frameworks. The measures on Climate Change will create deeper injustice – the poor countries have the same responsibilities as the developed countries.
Three Areas and Levels of Injustice Process Level Contents Level Enforcement Measures
Climate Justice Movement – Crowded and Slippery Various groupings are involved: each group promote its own principles: Climate Justice Now; It is Time for Climate Justice; Environmental Justice and Climate Justice, etc. The problem of definition of Justice: Justice for whom? Market-oriented vs. “the People”. “The People” as source of legitimacy “The people” as the object of exploitation
Carbon Trade as Carbon Colonialism Developed countries become developed because of colonialism, imperialism and human slavery. Carbon Trade is another form of colonialism. Accepting carbon trade mechanism means accepting new form of colonialism. (Eg. Income generating activity?)
People’s Protocol The People’s Movement on Climate Change – is seen as another variant of Climate Justice. Actually it is not. People’s Protocol is intended to be an anti-thesis to the market-oriented Kyoto Protocol; an anti- thesis to the whole unjust mechanisms related to the climate change issue; a way to revitalize the fundamental worldviews on humanity, human nature and the space. It is The People vs. Kyoto Protocol (Profit).
Conclusion This is the best time for all nations in the world to look into their fundamental world views, whether the choices that have been made and the relations involved have been in line with the fundamental worldviews of humanity and human relations and the space or not.
Since the climate change is a global human issue, it is not the best time for the developing countries for decoupling from the developed world; All have to take part in justice mechanisms. But it is the time to get rid of the carbon colonialism, and stand up together as equal human beings with the same rights to the sky and ecological space.