Dakshinya Institute for Mentally Handicapped -By Rajendar Koltur
Introduction Registered NGO working for the welfare of the Children with Mental Retardation (CWMR) with other associated disabilities since Motivation : Dr. T. V. Rao, a father of 2 daughters with mental retardation and he is the Founder & Chairman. Started as a Special School with 7 children and 2 teachers. Dakshinya has grown in all the spheres and at present it is recognized as one of the leading Training cum Rehabilitation Institute. In the period of 11 years ( ), 2485 families and 1465 children have got benefited with all the needy services. At present around 641 special children are getting the benefit of various training and rehabilitation services. Current Strength: 641 special children are getting the benefit of various training and rehabilitation services.
Awards & Recognition Browse through Dakshinya.org for more information
Background It Provides services like Early Intervention (2 - 6 years of age) Special Schooling (6-18) Vocational Training (18-21) Main concern for parents ‘what will happen to our children after us?’ There are still lots of children who are not able to get benefits with this institutional approach. Introduced HBR : )”. In this model, a team of professionals visits the home and provides training and rehabilitative services to these children in the presence of their grandparents / parents / siblings so that they can continue the same in the absence of professionals. identified 30 rural villages situated around Guntur area and targeted 205 children with mental retardation. This scheme is self financed since Still lots of needy children unable to get benefits with HBR approach. Introduced CBR
CBR The emphasis in CBR is to provide training and rehabilitation to the children with disabilities by the community in their own environment and by mobilizing resources available with them. Services Dakshinya provides Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Skills. Self Help Skills. Awareness on disability for early identification & prevention. Therapeutic Services for better living with better mobility (speech, physio and yoga and dance). Pre - academics. Mainstreaming in to the normal regular schools based n the skills og the children. Special Education. Pre vocational Activities. Money exchange, concept of bank etc.. Chalk making, Phenol making, candle making, lamination… Forming of Self Help Groups with the support of micro credit finance system for self employment / revenue generation etc
CBR PHASEPROGRAMME ACTIVITIES PHASE – I Identification of the Village / Area PHASE – II Survey of the identified Village / Area, Identification and Assessment of PWDs PHASE - III Rehabilitation / Intervention programmes, Training of VLWs / Community, Resource mobilization, Forming of Self Help Groups (SHGs), Training for the development of Vocational Skills etc PHASE – IV Evaluation, Monitoring and Control of the Programme PHASE - V Transforming the responsibility of CBR Centre to the Community for maintenance. Working as a referral for specialized services. Networking for better Sustainability and QOL
CBR 4 rural villages identified Peddapalakaluru. Mallavaram. Thokavaripalem Dasupalem Individuals were identified with the help of Awareness camps, orientation Programmes, Medical Camps, Parents counseling etc 72 students are identified Go through Dakshinya doc table 3 for identified childrens information.
CBR Stats (village) VillageMRPHVHHHMDTotal Peddapalaka luru Mallvaram Thokavaripal em Dasupalem Total
CBR Stats (vs age) Children / Persons MRPHVIHIMDTota l Children (0 – 5 years) Children (6 – 18 years) Persons ( > 18 years) Total
CBR Stats (vs MR) Children / Persons Mental Retardation MildModerateProfoundSever e Total Children (0-21 years) Persons ( > 21 years) Total
Financial Details S.No.Head of AccountEstimation (Rs.) 1Salary of Project 10,000/- PM1,20,000 = 00 2Salary of Rs. 4,000/- PM48,000 = 00 3Salary of 4 Rs. 2,000/- PM96,000 = 00 4Salary of 4 Rs. 1,000/- PM48,000 = 00 5Salary for the Speech Therapist + Physio Therapist + Medical Rs. 6,000 per month ( 4 visits for each in one month i.e. 12 visits at the rate of Rs. 500/-) 72,000 = 00 5Traveling Rs. 2,500/- PM30,000 = 00 6Maintenance Exp. At 2,000/- PM24,000 = 00 7Maintenance at Community 1,500 /- PM.18,000 = 00 8Orientation & Training Programmes to Rs. 1,500/- PM 18,000 = 00 9Medicine and medical support etc.25,000 = /- PM6,000 = 00 11Contingency (water, electricity, telephone Rs. 1,500/- PM 18,000 = 00 Total Recurring Expenditure5,23,000 = 00 Recurring
Financial Details S.No.Details of the ItemCost (in Rs.)Remarks 1Construction of one Centre 500 Rs. 400/- per sft. 2,00,000 = 00Need to establish a Resource Centre in the Community for the continuatio n of CBR 2Teaching and other aids (set) for one resource center 1,00,000 = 00 Total Non-Recurring Expenditure for one CBR Center 3,00,000 = 00
Funding Request to ASHA S.No.Head of AccountEstimation (Rs.) 1Salary of 4 Rs. 2,000/- PM96,000 = 00 2Salary of 4 Rs. 1,000/- PM48,000 = 00 3Salary for the Speech Therapist + Physio Therapist + Medical Rs. 6,000 per month ( 4 visits for each in one month i.e. 12 visits at the rate of Rs. 500/-) 72,000 = 00 4Traveling Rs. 2,500/- PM30,000 = 00 5Maintenance Exp. At 2,000/- PM24,000 = 00 6Maintenance at Community 1,500 /- PM.18,000 = 00 7Orientation & Training Programmes to Rs. 1,500/- PM 18,000 = 00 8Medicine and medical support etc.25,000 = /- PM6,000 = 00 10Contingency (water, electricity, telephone Rs. 1,500/- PM 18,000 = 00 11Rent (1500 * 12 * 4)72,000 = 00 Total Recurring Expenditure4,27,000 = 00
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