The Paleocene Epoch By: John Donatz Emily Owens Amanda Harris
65 to 54.8 million years ago Part of the Paleogene period which is a branch of the Cenozoic Era Broken up into Thanetrian, Selandian and Danian Demonstrated in Time
65 mil. Years ago Started with creation of mammals (Epoch right after extinction of dinosaurs) Plate tectonics very similar to modern day
Inhabitance Flowering plants and conifers become abundant Global climate warming becomes helpful in the abundance of plants, fish, crocodiles, and mammals Mammals inherit the earth. Chief among the early mammals are marsupials, insectivores, lemuroids, creodonts(the carnivorous stock ancestral to all cats and dogs), and primitive hoofed animals.
Primitive hoofed animals Ancestors to cats and dogs Marsupials, insectivores, lemuroids, creodonts Paleocene Mammals
Ended 55 million years ago Ended when mammals started adapting to marine life. Ancestors of horses camels and rodents simultaneously appeared in Europe and North America.(Eocene Epoch) The End of the Paleocene Epoch