Unit 2: 4 th grade Phonics D T S Z
Voiced? Voiceless – just flow air /θ/ –Put your hand on your throat (no voice) –T –Tongue behind teeth, mouth slightly open and relaxed Voiced – use your voice /ð/ –Put your hand on your throat (feel the vibration) –D –Tongue behind teeth, mouth slightly open and relaxed Practice –Watch and repeat
Practice (pg. 28) VoicelessT Tan Tip Tub VoicedD Dan Dig Dot
Listen and Practice ‘D’ Everyone Speaks! Practice cx8yi_I
Voiced D Practice Desk Dog Duck Door Doll Doctor Dot
Listen and Practice ‘T’ Everyone Speaks! Practice e3Zqvqo
To the top… To the top of the truck, can you take me? To the top of the train, can you take me? To the top of the tractor, can you take me? To the top of the tall tree, can you take me?
VoicelessT Practice Truck Train Tractor Tree Tiger Table Tent
Activities/Games Groups of 4-5 ▓Telephone Game ▓Relay Game
Activities/Games Closure Ball Throw One person from each team Teacher speaks Student throws the ball Points for team Extension Board Race One person from each team Teacher speaks Student throws the ball Points for team
Voiced D Practice Desk Dog Duck Door Doll Doctor Dot
VoicelessT Practice Truck Train Tractor Tree Tiger Table Tent
Voiced? Voiceless – just flow air /θ/ –Put your hand on your throat (no voice) –T and S –T: Tongue behind teeth, mouth slightly open and relaxed –S: Teeth lightly touching, tongue behind teeth Voiced – use your voice /ð/ –Put your hand on your throat (feel the vibration) –D and Z –D: Tongue behind teeth, mouth slightly open and relaxed –Z: Teeth lightly touching, tongue behind teeth Practice
Voiced D Practice Desk Dog Duck Door Doll Doctor Dot
VoicelessT Practice Truck Train Tractor Tree Tiger Table Tent
Practice (pg. 28) Voiceless S 。 Sip 。 Sit 。 Sad VoicedZ 。 Zip 。 Zack 。 Zoo
Listen and Practice Everyone Speaks! Practice Zzzzzz Zoom, Zoom, Zig Zag, Zap H09fjE
Voiced Z Practice ~Zebra ~Zero ~Zig Zag ~Zap ~Zipper ~Zack ~Zoo
Listen and Practice Everyone Speaks! Practice AoGgoQ (:30-2:00)
Unvoiced S Practice ◙Sip ◙Sit ◙Sad ◙Sew ◙Sock ◙Santa
Activities/Games Groups of 4-5 ▓Telephone Game ▓Ball Throw One person from each team Teacher speaks Student throws the ball Points for team
Activities/Games Board Race One person from each team Four to six cards on board Student must write beginning letter for each word Candy Land Turn over a card Say the word Move to beginning letter Ahead Back
Voiced D Practice ►Desk ►Dog ►Duck ►Door ►Doll ►Doctor ►Dot
VoicelessT Practice Truck Train Tractor Tree Tiger Table Tent
Voiced Z Practice ☻Zebra ☻Zero ☻Zig Zag ☻Zap ☻Zipper ☻Zack ☻Zoo
Unvoiced S Practice »Sip »Sit »Sad »Sew »Sock »Santa
Extension Exercise: Find the word I will say it, find it in pile and hold it up.