How much do you know about Geography?
1. Name the 7 Continents
2. Name the 4 (or 5) Oceans
3. Name the country on the southern tip of Africa
4. Name 3 Middle Eastern Countries
5. Name six countries in Asia.
6. The cultural region of Latin America is made up in part of what two continents?
7. Name a former communist country (Not Russia).
8. Name the largest communist country still found in the world today.
9. What three major world religions were founded in the Middle East?
10. What do the letters in NAFTA stand for? Which three countries are involved? Does not mean Never Ask For The Answer
11. Name two mountain ranges found on a continent other than ours
12. Who owns Antarctica? Is it North, South, East, or West of us?
13. Name the LONGEST river in the world
14. Name the largest desert in the world.
15. Name the largest country in the world (landmass, not population)
16. Lines of latitude run which direction?
17. Tallest mountain in the world?
18. What is the “Ring of Fire” ?
19. Wealthy port city in Asia, was part of the British Empire until 1997.
20. Current secretary of state of the US? Name the last five presidents, including President Obama. Nope