Total area of Russia is about square kilometres. The population is about people
Russia’s state emblem is a double headed eagle
The country is a parliamentary republic. The President is the Head of the state The main law of the country is the Constitution
The Pacific Ocean The Arctic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean The Barents The White The Kara The Laptev The East Siberian The Chukchi The Bering The Okhotsk The Japan The Baltic The Sea of Azov The Black Sea
Georgia Finland Norway Byelorussia Ukraine Poland Mongolia China Armenia and others.
Russia is rich in rivers and lakes. The Volga is the longest river in Russia. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
The Urals The Caucasus The Altai and others
Russia is an industrial country. It has a lot of mineral resources: coal natural gas iron
Russia is an agricultural country. Russians plant corn, fruit and vegetables.
There are a lot of museums, theatres, cinemas libraries, churches and art galleries in big Russian cities.
Big cities are usually noisy with heavy traffic in the streets.
The capital of Russia is MOSCOW Moscow is one of the biggest cities in Europe with population more than ten million people.
The second largest city in Russia is St. Petersburg. The city is on the Neva.
Russia is a great country with a great culture!