Complex Fluids with Extended, Rigid Components Paul S. Russo, Louisiana State University, DMR The dynamics of rigid polymers, which is important to processing of high-strength materials and to the response of liquid crystals to various stimuli, led us to develop fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) methods with inverse Laplace data transformation to assess the distribution of molecular mobility. This capability is applicable to other problems. The examples shown demonstrate the unforeseen developments that stem from basic research. The three FPR traces below show, for the first time, that a significant amount of amyloid A-beta protein remains in very small form, long after most of it has aggregated into the larger assemblies that are responsible for Alzheimer ’ s disease. See Edwin et al., in New Polymeric Materials, Oxford Univ. Press, In the camel-hump figure above, two polymeric components in a mixture have been identified. While the figure has the look of an ordinary chromatogram, these polymers are not easily separable by chromatography. Instead, the presence of both components has been found by FPR, responding to diffusion through a complex polymeric matrix. Apart from the excellent resolution, this new matrix FPR method has a number of advantages over standard polymer characterization techniques. Less sample is required, fewer parts are needed, and solvent conditions can be changed quickly. The method could be used in space, where zero gravity renders traditional methods difficult. Matrix FPR and related methods may also be useful for the identification of branching, a key feature of some new, high-performance plastics.
Complex Fluids with Extended, Rigid Components Paul S. Russo, Louisiana State University, DMR Education Ph.D. Degree & Current Career Choice Sibel Turksen (Indiana-Purdue Univ., winner 2005 LSU Coates Best Dissertation Award) Postdoctoral Research Associates Grigor Bantchev (remains at LSU) Graduate Students This Grant Supports Erick Soto-Cantu (Mexico); Jian Qiu (China); Jirun Sun (China) LSU Undergrads & Current Location Matthew Bergstedt (LSU pre-med) Pavan Bellamkonda (LSU Chem Major) Katie Vance (LSU Chem Major) Summer Intern & Current Career Path Amanda Steffens (junior from U. Wisconsin- River Falls) flanked by graduate students Erick Soto-Cantu and Jian Qiu, in front of her poster on the effect of temperature-induced confor- mational transitions on complex fluid phase behavior and dynamics). Outreach & Synergistic Activity Highlights SAACS: co-advisor of best-ever group of Student Affiliates of American Chemical Society. THEIR achievements include a one-week summer chemistry camp for high-schoolers, new bylaws, and invited ACS article. Program Committee Member, Chemical Education Foundation (first academic ever to serve on this industry-funded committee). Freshman Chemistry for Nonscientists: integrated some quantitative aspects of our research with lecture and homework, yet >70% of class opted to take the final exam without a calculator, having learned how. Nanomaterials/Polymers Minicourse developed for emergent Industrial Chemistry Ph.D. curriculum at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. ( )