Storm Water Permitting Commission on the Future of Virginia’s Environment August 27, 2001 Department of Environmental Quality
Clean Water Act (CWA) Requires Storm Water Permits For: Industrial Activities Construction Sites Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) DEQ Implements through VPDES Permit Program Federal Requirements
-10 categories of industrial activity -Industrial General Permits 1300 facilities -Construction activities disturbing 5+ acres Construction Site General Permit 1000 sites Localities with populations 100,000 –Individual Permits 3 Large (> 250K) MS4s Permitted (Fairfax County, Norfolk, Virginia Beach) 8 Medium MS4s Permitted (Arlington, Prince William, Henrico, Chesterfield, Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, Chesapeake) Phase I Permit Coverage (effective )
-Adds small MS4’s in urbanized areas Additional ,000 may require permits Coverage will include smaller localities and federal and state facilities General Permit being developed -Adds small construction sites (1-5 acres) -additional construction sites -Amending Construction General Permit to include “small” construction sites Phase II Expanded Permit Coverage coverage deadline of 3/10/03
Industrial / Construction Permit Requirements Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Identify all storm water discharges at facility Identify actual/potential contamination sources Implement structural & non-structural BMP’s to reduce storm water impacts to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) Industrial Permits May require water quality limits and/or storm event monitoring Regular assessment of storm water controls
Industrial / Construction Permit Requirements (cont’d) Construction Permits SWPPP is similar to DCR Erosion/Sediment Control (ESC) Plan Requirements. Operators may reference approved ESC Plan to meet some requirements Operators must regularly inspect storm water discharges to ensure that the BMP’s are controlling the discharge of pollutants to MEP.
Phase 1 -Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) Structural and non-structural BMP’s to control storm water discharges from the MS4 to MEP. Effectively prohibit non-storm water discharges to the MS4 -Storm Event Monitoring -Regularly Assess the Effectiveness of the Storm Water Controls Annual report to DEQ MS4 Permit Requirements
Phase 2 -Permit Will Require small MS4 to Develop, Implement and Enforce a Plan for: -Public education/outreach on storm water impacts Public involvement/participation Illicit discharge detection and elimination Construction site storm water runoff control Post-construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations MS4 Permit Requirements
Phase 2 (cont’d.) Small MS4’s can use Existing Statewide or Local Programs to Satisfy the Management Measure Requirements Erosion and Sediment Control Programs Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Programs HRPDC’s Storm Water Public Education Program, Local Storm Water Management Programs MS4’s program must be consistent with the authorizing agency’s specifications MS4 Permit Requirements
Erosion & Sediment control requirements in the Construction General Permit are consistent with DCR E&S Requirements Permittees may use requirements under CBPA, E&S programs, or local programs to meet VPDES permitting requirements VPDES permits address more than Erosion and sediment control (ex: pollutants other than sediments) Local Stormwater Programs or E&S programs address factors not considered under VPDES permits (ex: construction and design of BMPs) Interaction with Other Programs
Need for enhanced compliance efforts Potential for conflict with other state programs Have cross-incorporated relevant program requirements (ex: VPDES permits incorporate provisions from DCR E&S manual) Pending federal permit requirements may conflict with DCR standards Overlap with other programs: DCR, DEQ and CBLAD are working to develop consolidated manual for all storm water management and E&S requirements improve consistency of requirements consolidate reporting requirements Program Issues