C OALITION A GAINST HIV IN L ATINO S AN D IEGO Paul Tatoy Raquel Tatoy Vanessa Tatoy COH 380
I NTRODUCTION Needs Assessment Goals and Objectives Interventions and Strategies Program Considerations Evaluation Conclusion
A SSESSMENT Phase 1 Precede/Proceed Quality of Life Life expectancy Isolation Negative behavior
E PIDEMIOLOGICAL A SSESSMENT Environmental Poverty Access to care Education Behavioral MSM Unprotected sex Multiple partners
A SSESSMENT C ONTINUED Phase 3 Precede/Proceed Predisposing Culture Religious Beliefs Education Economic Status
A SSESSMENT C ONTINUED Reinforcing Recent death
A SSESSMENT C ONTINUED Enabling Access Availability Barriers
P ROGRAM G OAL Incorporate existing efforts Streamline process Decrease prevalence Empower the Latino gay Community within San Diego
O BJECTIVES Process Objective Start date of January 2015 Process Administration Impact objective Leaning objective Behavioral objective Environmental objective Outcome objective
B EHAVIOR CHANGE Strategy #1 Dissemination of condoms Initial free distribution Low cost purchasing at various pharmacies Condom vending machines in all gay clubs
B EHAVIOR C HANGE Strategy #2 Invite community members to focus groups Learn about HIV/Risk Factor
B EHAVIOR C HANGE Strategy #3 Partner participation Bilingual courses Support group
E NVIRONMENTAL S TRATEGY Engage pharmacies Recruit physicians Partner with hospitals and local community clinics
P ROGRAM C ONSIDERATIONS Resources Budgets Participation Program planners Health providers Transportation Access to medical facilities/Hospital Social Marketing
I MPACT E VALUATION Pre program testing for baseline Compare pre to post program testing Make contact with physicians to determine impact of HIV status End of assessment Surveys Questioners
O UTCOME E VALUATION By end of program there will be surveys, focus groups and face to face interviews given to those who did and did not get tested for HIV at the newly implemented testing sites Evaluation to be shared with stakeholders, volunteers and funders.
C ONCLUSION Needs Assessment Goals and Objectives Interventions and Strategies Program Considerations Evaluation
R EFERENCES References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(2004, October 15 ) Health disparities Experienced by Latinos- United States. Retrieved on May 10, 2014, from CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011, August). Strategic Plan Division of HIV Prevention: Retrieved May 12, 2014 from Community Health Statistics. (2012, January 1). County of San Diego: Retrieved May 20, 2014, from Department of Health (n.d.). Retrieved on May 12, 2014 from /plan/stds/focus_area_1.htm /plan/stds/focus_area_1.htm Geldberg.L,Andersen.R,Leake,B (2000,Feb) The Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations:Application to Medical Care Use and Outcomes for Homeless People. Health Services Research. (May 2014) HIV/AIDS Basics (n.d.). Learn the Basics, Know the Facts, Take Care of Yourself: Retrieved on May 12, 2014 from HIV/AIDS and Socioeconomic Status (n.d.) Retrieved on May 09, 2014, from American HIV among Latinos. (2011, November). Retrieved May 09, 2014, from CDC: