Title: Odyssey of Flight 33 Author: Rod Serling Date/Year Published:1961 Genre: Graphic novel Name: Anthony.S Class Period:2
Setting The story takes place on a plane in the air that is going faster than any other, and the pilot cannot stop it
Characters The kid in the black shirt with skull and cross bones is on a soccer team going to compete. The man in the gray is the main character who is like the good guy who saves every one. And the flight attendant is from new jersey and wants to make it back.
Plot: Conflict The plane is going way to fast and the pilot cant control it. And one at a time people on the plane are felling acceleration.
Plot: Resolution They found New York city and circled around until they ran out of fuel.
Your Opinion I thought the book was kind of boring because I usually like funny stupid books. I kind of like the book because, it hade some action in it and it was a little bit funny.
About the Author List 5 interesting facts about the author.
5 Test Questions How fast was the plane going? What was the authors purpose? Who jumped out of the plane? What kind of sport did the kid play? What was the name of the plane?
Summary Now the plane is in the air,the passengers are nervous,something is wrong with the planes ignition so that it is going faster and faster. The pilot cannot control how fast it is going. So the hero gets up and demands to see the pilot. Then he jumped out the plane in fear and saved every one.