Y. Romanets 1, R. Luis 1,J. Bermudez 3, J.C. David 5, D. Ene 5, I. F. Goncalves 1, Y. Kadi 2, C. Kharoua 2, F. Negoita 4, R. Rocca 2, L. Tecchio 3, P.


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Presentation transcript:

Y. Romanets 1, R. Luis 1,J. Bermudez 3, J.C. David 5, D. Ene 5, I. F. Goncalves 1, Y. Kadi 2, C. Kharoua 2, F. Negoita 4, R. Rocca 2, L. Tecchio 3, P. Vaz 1 1 ITN - Estrada Nacional 10, , Sacavém, Portugal 2 CERN- CH-1211, Genève 23, Switzerland 3 INFN-LNL - Viale dell'Università, Legnaro (PD), Italy 4 NIPNE - Str. Atomistilor no.407, P.O.BOX MG-6, Bucharest - Magurele, Romania 5 CEA - Saclay, DSM/IRFU/SPHN, F Gif-sur-Yvette, France SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Outline  The EURISOL Project Facility layout Multi-MW Target Station  Geometry used on the simulations  Calculation results  Conclusions

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 EURISOL-DS European Isotope Separation On-Line Radioactive Ion Beam Facility The main objectives of the EURISOL Design Study were: to show the reliability of the next-generation European ISOL Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility as well as the consistence of it’s key elements: driver accelerator, target/ion-source assembly, mass-selection system and instrumentation; to find the possible cross-interest of the scientific and research areas with other actual European projects and existing laboratory infrastructures; to come out with the key technologies and the engineering solutions which need to evolve in order to progress on such kind of projects;

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 THE EURISOL FACILITY 4 MW Proton Accelerator (1GeV, up to 4mA) Multi MW Target Station Mass Separator Post Accelerator

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 General layout of the Multi MW Target Station

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Facility layout including support maintenance spaces Proton Beam

A C B 1 m 1.2 m

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 RESULTS

Spallation Target and Fission Targets areas Neutron and photon flux (n * cm -2 * mA -2 ), FLUKA performed calculations Neutron flux Plane z=0 Plane x=0 Photon flux Plane z=0 Plane x=0 7 m 8 m 10 m

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Fission Targets Handling Room Neutron and photon flux (n * cm -2 * mA -2 ), FLUKA performed calculations Plane z=0cm 13 m 14 m Neutron fluxPhoton flux AB (n * cm -2 * mA -2 )

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Fission Targets Handling Room (FLUKA performed calculations) Plane z=0cm Prompt irradiation 4MW (1GeV*4mA) proton beam 0 day (shutdown time) cooling time Dose ‐ EQ (Sv*h ‐ 1 ) Activity (Ci*g ‐ 1 ), 0 day (shutdown time) cooling time 13 m 14 m

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Dose Equivalent after Shutdown Dose ‐ EQ (Sv*h ‐ 1 ) Plane x=2cm (-1cm:1cm)Plane z=0.8 cm (-0.5cm:0.3cm) 0 day (shutdown time) cooling time

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Spallation Target and Fission Targets Neutron flux (n * cm -2 * mA -2 ), FLUKA performed calculations Plane x=0cm Plane z=0cm 1 m 1.2 m

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Activities after Shutdown (decay contribution after 200 days of irradiation (4MW power proton beam)) Activity (Ci*g ‐ 1 ) Plane x=2cm (-1cm:1cm) Plane z=0.8 cm (-0.5cm:0.3cm) 0 day (shutdown time) cooling time 1 year cooling time

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Mercury Loop Trolley Neutron flux (n/cm 2 /mA) prompt irradiation, 1MW (1GeV*1mA) proton beam 2.5 m 5 m 2.5 m

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Mercury Loop Trolley Activities after Shutdown 0 day (shutdown time) cooling time 1 year cooling time Activity (Ci*g ‐ 1 )

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Dose ‐ EQ (Sv*h ‐ 1 ) Mercury Loop Trolley Dose Equivalent Prompt irradiation, 4MW (1GeV*4mA) proton beam

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Extraction Tubes

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Extraction Tubes

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Extraction Tubes

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 CONCLUSIONS Activation – the key parameter for:  Future maintenance of the facility and each sector of it  Evaluation of the facility waste production (Type and quantity) Geometry – needs particular attention on this case because:  Main element of the system, extraction tubes, are the source of the direct neutron leak  Due to the necessity of exchanging/replacing various elements of the system from time to time and to the requirements of the high safety level, the geometry becomes more complicated Dose - determination of this value is fundamental for:  Decision on choice of the access type for the different parts/sectors of the facility  Shielding requirements  Conditioning/restrictions on the operation and maintenance of the facility Project supported by the European Commission under the FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action- Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL-DS Project Contract no RIDS. Part of the work has also been supported by the Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the projects CERN/FP/83586/2008 and POCI/FP/81951/2007

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010 Thank you

SATIF-10, CERN 2-4 June 2010