Jet cooled Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of FCH 2 CH 2 O and other photo-fragments of XCH 2 CH 2 ONO (X=F,Cl,Br,OH) Rabi Chhantyal-Pun, Ming-Wei Chen, Terry A. Miller
Motivation OH substituted alkoxy radicals are important intermediate in atmospheric oxidation of alkenes like Ethene, Butadiene and Isoprene HOCH 2 CH 2 O radical is produced from OH initiated oxidation of Ethene Halogen substituted Ethoxy can be a model for the study of HOCH 2 CH 2 O radical S. Sawada and T. Totsuka, Atmos. Environ. 20, 821 (1986)
Spectroscopy of Alkoxy radicals ~~ Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) method has been used in the past to study the B-X transition of alkoxy radicals LIF coupled with Supersonic free jet expansion produces rotationally cold spectrum; rotational contours (obtained even with moderate resolution) can then be used to differentiate different conformers 1-Propoxy Gapolakrishnan S. PhD thesis The Ohio State University, 2003
XCH 2 CH 2 ONO / He General Valve ControllerDG535 Pulse Generator XeF Excimer Laser Nd:YAG Laser Sirah Dye Laser Nozzle T0T0 PMT Q-Switch Flash Lamp T 0 / GPIB T0T0 Lens Frequency Doubler Precursor preperation: XCH 2 CH 2 OH/H 2 SO 4 /NaNO 2 Experimental apparatus XCH 2 CH 2 O NO
LIF survey scan of Photo-Fragments of FCH 2 CH 2 ONO HCHO
G and T conformers of FEO Gauche (G)Trans (T) -Rotational constants were obtained from hf/6-31+g* and ucis/6-31+g* -TDMs were obtained from Ethoxy exp.
Assignment of the Origin bands HCHO 1 Gopalakrishnan et. al J. Chem. Phys. 118 (2003) 49–54 AlkoxyExp. 1-Propoxy G Propoxt T FEO-G FEO-T 30519
TG X and B state geometries -UCIS/6-31+G(D) HF/6-31+G(D) 76.O 70.0 OCCF dihedral ~~ All angles are in degrees and bond lengths are in Å
1 ucis/6-31+g(d) 2 Tarcazy J. Mol. Spec. 220 (2003) 276–29 ModeExp.Calc. 1 Description Asym CCO/ CCF bend Sym CCO/CCF bend CO stretch CC torsion Sym CCO/CCF bend CO stretch ConformerPropoxy CO str.FEO Co str. Exp.0.76XCalc. 2 Exp.0.79XCalc. 2 G T
ClCH 2 CH 2 ONO / FCH 2 CH 2 ONO 1 Gopalakrishnan et. al J. Chem. Phys. 118 (2003) 49–54 HCHO 28786? AlkoxyCO str. Ethoxy603 Prpoxy-G596 FEO-G AlkoxyExp. 1-Propoxy G Propoxt T FEO-G FEO-T ClEO-G ClEO-T
-Vinoxy spectrum Brock et. al. JCP
Verification of hot bands
Assignment of Hot bands of Vinoxy 1 Brock et. al. JCP 106(24) ModeDescriptionX1X1 B1B1 X-BExp. 9CCO bend CC torsion
CH 2 CHO from other XCH 2 CH 2 ONO (X=OH,Cl,F,Br)
Conclusion Obtained and analyzed the Laser Induced Fluorescence spectrum of B-X transition of FEO radical CH 2 CHO and HCHO fragments are produced following the photodissociation of XCH 2 CH 2 ONO (X= OH, F, Cl, Br) Analysis of the mechanism for the formation of CH 2 CHO is going on ~~
Acknowledgement Professor Terry Miller (advisor) Miller group members Dr. Dmitry Melnik Dr. Jin Jun Liu Neal Kline Terrance Codd DOE for funding
Possible mechanism