Dissociative Identity Disorder Oscar Rios North Carolina Graduation Project
. Interest Explain why or how you became interested in the topic. Curiosity
Paper Topic-Dissociative Identity Disorder Driving question- What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? Thesis statement- Dissociative Identity Disorder is a mental illness that is categorized as having more than one personality. Dissociative Identity Disorder has a long history that helps current society understand causes and cures for the disorder.
Facts Women are four times more to be diagnose with DID then men. Child abuse or living through a traumatic event. The average is nine personalities alters, People can have up to 100 personalities or alters.
Learned You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
Product -What did you do? I raised money -How? When? Penny War from May 21 through May 30 th in Craven Early College between grade levels. -How does your product impact others? Helps by giving. -Did you work with a mentor? Ms. Shore and Mr. Shipley. Learned-you should always give when you can.
Connection between the paper and product -How do the two relate to one another? both are medical related, 100% of fundraiser went to Merci Clinic.
Successes and Challenges of Graduation Project Success-Finishing the paper, Finishing the Fundraiser. Challenges- procrastination, time management, finding a good product.
Final Process Reflection -What next? How will this project process impact your future? Not being to quick to judge people who act or look different. What will you take away from the project? Knowledge.
Works Cited Mason, Robert. Ritual Abuse and Dissociative Identity Disorder. tm, 3 July Web. 14 Mar Day, Lilly. Dissociative Identity Disorder. I Was a Foster Kid. Web. 13 Feb
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