2007 by David A. Prentice Make sure to get the new notes And find page 12 in your Old Notes Make sure to get the new notes And find page 12 in your Old Notes ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
2007 by David A. Prentice Contents: Overheads to be used with Chapter 3 of “Truth in the Balance,” copyright 2003 by David Prentice, M.Ed., M.A.S.T. REVISION DATE 09/07/2009 This material is made available by the author at no charge. It may be reproduced for use in a Christian environment such as Sunday schools or Bible classes, but it may not be used for any commercial purposes. To be certain that you have the most up-to-date version of this material, go to the Origins Resource Association website, Follow the links to “Bible College Materials” and check that the revision date shown online is the same as shown above. If not, download the latest version.
2007 by David A. Prentice Why Believe the Bible? Why Believe the Bible? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
2007 by David A. Prentice Continuing to Test the Bible like Literary Scholars!
2007 by David A. Prentice Share the Water of Life with Someone Tonight! Share the Water of Life with Someone Tonight!
2007 by David A. Prentice
It’ll Make Your Year! It’ll Make Your Year!
We’re Learning How To Answer This Question
And Someone Told Me that the Two Lists Contradict Each Other!
Moses Was Just Being a Good Pastor! Exodus 20 was the original 10 commandments given by God and immediately delivered by Moses In Deuteronomy 5, Moses is reminding the Israelites of the commandments and explaining them further
God Didn’t Dictate the Entire Bible! He Inspired It! What 2 parts did He dictate word for word? God allowed His servants to use their own style while also keeping every word in line with what He wanted to say.
Italicized Words in the Bible English words do not hold as much meaning as others Therefore, we need more words to get the same meaning The Italicized words help get the meaning of the original languages across
Exodus 20:8-11 Deuteronomy 5:12-15 4 th Commandment God gives 2 different reasons to obey the commandment. Does this make one version correct and the other incorrect? No? Why? It’s okay to have more than one reason to obey a command!
[...] “neighbor's house” [first vs.] “neighbor's wife“ [first]: According to the best Biblical scholars, this indicates [that] property in [Exodus] days was considered of greater value than a wife Exodus 20:17Deuteronomy 5:21 10 th Commandment
Exodus 20:17 and Deuteronomy 5:21 Remember, in the East, wording doesn’t have to stay exact, as long as meaning stays the same. As for “best Biblical scholars”, the best ones I know don’t even address the issue because it’s not an issue!
Do I Hear New Stuff Coming! Open Your Ears!
The Genealogy of Jesus Why is the one in Matthew different from the one in Luke? Does this mean that Jesus wasn’t a real person?
Blanks on Page 12: Matthew gives the legal genealogy through Jesus’ stepfather Joseph, while Luke recorded His descent through Mary.
But Doesn’t Luke start like Matthew by saying Jesus was the son of Joseph? Luke says, “being, as was supposed, the son of Joseph” The rest of the names on the list are sure and not just supposed So after the word “Joseph”, the passage switches to Mary’s genealogy as Jesus really was and not just supposedly descended from or “the son of” Eli, Matthat, Levi etc.
But weren’t Mary’s Parents Joachim and Anna? This is just a tradition started by the Catholic church derived from the apocrypha The early Christian church examined these and rejected them The Catholic church has actually acknowledged that these names are nothing more than a made-up story but continues the erroneous tradition
Comparing the 2 Genealogies Matthew 1Luke 3 Silent 14 from Abraham to David 41 between David and Jesus Line of Joseph from David’s son Solomon Lists line of descent from Adam to Abraham Line of Mary through David’s son Nathan
1 or 2 Demoniacs? A well-known “contradiction”
But in 3 of the gospels, Jesus eats the Passover meal, which included the lamb! Doesn’t that mean the lambs were slain the day before He died?
When are the Passover lambs slain? Couldn’t He and His disciples have eaten a special meal before everyone else? Doesn’t John say that they wanted His body taken away because it was “the preparation” for the Sabbath? Doesn’t John say the Jewish leaders didn’t want to go into Pilate’s judgment hall because they didn’t want to be defiled for the Passover meal?
Bring tonight’s notes back next time! You’ll need page 13 Bring tonight’s notes back next time! You’ll need page 13 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !