Arterial Supply Right coronary artery Left coronary artery Venous Drainage Venae cordis minimis Anterior cardiac veins Coronary sinus
Arterial supply
1.Right coronary artery Origin : arise from the anterior aortic sinus passes between the pulmonary artery& right auricle Course : it descends in the coronary sulcus till the inferior margin of the hear it reaches the posterior interventricular Groove
Branches : 1. Rt conus artery : To the conus arteriosus (infundibulub) of right ventricle 2. ventricular branch : To the anterior and inferior surfaces of heart 3. atrial Branches : to ant surface of Rg.atrium 4. artery to S.A node. 5. marginal artery : Runs along the inferior border
Branches : 6. posterior interventricular artery : runs in posterior interventricular groove it gives: - ventricular branches to the adjoining parts of 2 ventricles - post 1/3 of interventricular septum - artery to A.V node & bundle Conus brs Ventricular brs AV nodal br
Right Coronary Artery
2. Left coronary artery Origin : arise from the left posterior coronary sinus Course : passes between the pulmonary root & lt auricle It reaches the coronary sinus where it gives ant interventricular artery the main artery then curves around the lt margin of the heart & named circumflex aretry The circumflex artery runs in the coronary sulcus posteriorly till it meets the termination of right coronary
Branches : 1.Lt conus artery : To conus arteriosus 2. anterior interventricular artery : it gives : - ventricular branches to the adjoining parts of 2 ventricles - ant 2/3 interventricular septum 3. circumflex artery : it gives : - atrial branches to lt atrium - ventricular branches
Left Coronary Artery
Anastomoses of the coronary arteries Branches of the coronary arteries are functional end arteries Anastomoses can occur in the following sites : - At the apex - In the posterior part of coronary sulcus - Along the interventricular septum
Branches of Coronary arteries 12
Branches and anastomoses of coronary artries
Venous Drainage 1.Venae cordis minimis 2.Anterior cardiac veins 3.Coronary sinus
Venous Drainage
1 -venae cordis minimi : Are minute veins which lie in the muscle wall and open directly into any chamber 2- anterior cardiac veins : Series of small veins which runs transversely to open into the Rt atrium small vein running parallel to one another on ant wall of rt ventricle Venous Drainage :
3- coronary sinus : It is a wide venous channel situated in the posterior part of coronary sulcus & ends in the Rt atrium
Tributaries of Coronary sinus: 1. Great Cardiac vein : ascend with ant interventricular artery then curves with the circumflex artery to end in the coronary sinus 2. Middle cardiac vein : accompany the posterior interventricular artery 18
Oblique Vein of Lt Atrium (of Marshall) 20
1.Right atrioventricular groove: Right coronary artery Small cardiac vein 2. Left anterior atrioventricular groove: Left coronary artery 3. Left posterior atrioventricular groove: Coronary sinus 4. Anterior interventricular groove: Anterior interventricular artery Great cardiac vein
5. Posterior interventricular groove : Posterior interventricular artery Middle cardiac vein
Cardiac Veins (Sternocostal Surface) Anterior cardiac veins
Cardiac Veins (Diaphragmatic Surface)