Our trust in God Proverbs 3:5-6
Do we trust in God? ► We certainly say that we have trust in God ► But do our thoughts and actions show that trust
I. What is Trust? ► Putting your happiness or confidence in the hands of another ► Do we let God give us our directions in life? ► We will not allow ourselves to be put at risk by someone we do not trust.
II. Examples of decisions to trust in God Genesis 6, Noah In Genesis 12, Abraham and again in ch. 22 Exodus 5, Moses Judges 7, Gideon Samuel 17, David In Joshua 2, Rahab
III. Do you trust in God? ► Do we really trust in God? ► Ex. Matthew 14- Peter on water. ► Romans 8:18-19 ► Luke 6:35-38
IV. Why is it so hard to trust God? ►W►W►W►We have trusted many things FFFFamily, friends, national security services, transportation services, military, ropes ladders, cables, pilots, pharmacists, surgeons. ►W►W►W►Why is trust hard, because we have failed trust. ►B►B►B►But yet we trust these before God ►P►P►P►Proverbs 3:5-6 ►W►W►W►We can confidently put our trust in God!