Abraham: Father of our Faith Genesis 17-18; 21
Abraham: Father of our Faith As we consider Abraham and his journey of faith we see a man with a “messy” journey. He begins well by trusting God and leaving his homeland, but his faith journey also included some pretty big “bumps”. He lies about his wife (twice) because he didn’t trust God to protect him. He fathers a child with Hagar his handmade because he doesn’t trust God to provide for him. Abraham’s faith, much like our own, was messy and immature, yet this morning we will see Abraham’s faith matured as he discovers firsthand that his God is greater.
Abraham: Father of our Faith
אַבְרָם Abram + הָמוֹן sound, crowd = אַבְרָהָם Abraham “Father of multitudes” Genesis 17:4-6 שָׂרַי Sarai שָׂרָה Sarah slight change in word, but it means princess or queen Genesis 17:15-17
Abraham: Father of our Faith Like Abraham and Sarah, we have been given greater names: – Christian-Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16 – Brethren-1 Cor. 15:1, 58 (27 times just in 1 Corinthians) – elect-Col. 3:12 – children of God-1 John 3:1-2 – holy/saints-1 Corinthians 1:2 (used in 17 NT books)
Abraham: Father of our Faith GENESIS 17:9-14 Romans 4:11-Circumcision was an outward sign of Abraham’s already changed heart Acts 19:1-7-Baptism is an outward sign of an already changed heart Our new identity is tied up with our union with Christ Colossians 2:6-15-Our new identity is “In Him”
Abraham: Father of our Faith God’s Promises are SURE even when we are UNSURE – Genesis 17: John 5:11-13 God’s Promises are FAITHFUL even when we are FAITHLESS – Genesis 18: Timothy 2:11-13 God’s Promises are HOPE even when we are HOPELESS – Genesis 21:1-7-2 Thess. 4:13-18
Abraham: Father of our Faith So often we are overwhelmed by the tyranny of the urgent and overcome by the circumstances of this life. Our gaze becomes fixated on the temporary and we lose sight of the eternal and sure; we lose sight of the greatness of our God. Have you lost sight of the greatness of your God? I urge you this morning to refocus and fix your eyes on the greatness of your Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord.
Abraham: Father of our Faith