Research Using Ebooks via the Media Center
Research usingEbooks
Ebooks Ebooks is a great tool available through our media center’s website. It allows you to find actual PRINT sources without having to leave the comfort of your desk :} Media Center Wonders research
Ebooks Click on the Media Center and Wonders research to find the access to the Ebooks search engine. This is an active box, so go ahead and type in your topic. The password is “wonders” Hit enter, and a results page will appear.
Too much information! Okay, so you got way too much information- what do you do next? Easy, you can narrow down your search even further using the yellow box in the upper left corner. Notice the options you have with your results. You can choose to look at only the articles Or only the chapter topics, if you like. Narrow it down!
Advanced Searches Okay, so now that you are getting familiar with Ebooks, let’s try an advanced search. Click the link. Advanced Search
With advanced search you have drop down boxes that allow you to make specific choices about what you want. For example, under keyword, you can choose to only look for a specific title of a document. Under document title you can also narrow the search. Let’s try one.
Advanced Search So, in the advanced search box, I am specifically looking for works that are about “eating disorders”. I am focusing specifically on the keywords “bulimia” and “males”. Let’s see the results.
Narrowed! If you narrowed the search too much, remember you can always go back and change a search keyword or other feature.
Features The best is yet to come….wait for it! It will read it to me! I can it to myself! I can change the language!
Citation information! If you scroll down, you’ll find the citation already done and formatted for you. Just copy and paste.
EBOOKS The best thing to remember about using Ebooks- all the sources you find here are PRINT sources. These are not Internet sources.