This project is funded by the European Union Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership Project description Chisinau, February 2010 The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership
This project is funded by the European Union 2 Contents ▌ Description of the Project ▌ Dates of implementation, budget, partner institutions ▌Objectives ▌ Target groups and final beneficiaries ▌ Project components ▌ Activities ▌ Expected results The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership
This project is funded by the European Union 3 ▌Description of the Project The project is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) of the Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (MLSPF), other public institutions, NGOs and international development partners. The project is designed to foster linkages between migration and development and to support the operationalisation of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership. To this aim, current challenges posed by migration in the Republic of Moldova will be addressed under a variety of angles, with interventions at the levels of policy making, institutional migration management capacity and provision of various direct support measures to Moldovans affected by migration, both in and outside of the country. The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership
This project is funded by the European Union ▌ Partner public institutions: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family Ministry of Interior, Bureau for Migration and Asylum Ministry of Economy Ministry of Education Ministry of Health Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication National Bank of Moldova National Bureau of Statistics National Employment Agency Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Development Bureau for Interethnic Relations Border Guards Service Moldovan Academy of Sciences Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration ▌ Dates of implementation: 1 January 2010 – 31 December 2012 ▌ Budget : EUR 1,999, ▌ Other partners: UN country team Think tanks Economic units of local public authorities NGOs Diaspora associations 4
This project is funded by the European Union 5 ▌Objectives The specific objective of the project is: To support the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU- Moldova Mobility Partnership in order to minimize the negative effects of migration and to harness the benefits of migration for development purposes. The overall objectives of the project are: Strengthening the Moldovan institutional capacity to better manage all aspects of migratory flows by establishing a Migration Technical Facility and a Migration Profile Improving the Moldovan Government’s capacity in diaspora programming in line with the national diaspora policies and enhancing the capacity of Moldovan migrant associations in the destination countries to become active in support of local development in Moldova Supporting implementation by the Moldovan Government of the National Return Action Plan by enhancing the social security and protection of the Moldovan migrants working abroad, supporting their permanent/temporary return and reintegration, as well as initiatives of economic empowerment of youth and women Enhancing the national capacity to provide targeted support to the most vulnerable family members left behind by migrants – children and elderly The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership
This project is funded by the European Union 6 ▌ Target groups (Potential) returning migrants and their families Diaspora associations and initiative groups Children and elderly left behind Public authorities with migration management and diaspora mandate The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership ▌ Final beneficiaries See target groups, plus: Moldovan entrepreneurs/ loan applicants attempting to start or improve their business in RM Women and youth beginner entrepreneurs Diaspora scientists Research and development community in Moldova Moldovan professionals and university graduates of foreign universities.
This project is funded by the European Union 1. Supporting the implementation of the EU Moldova Mobility Partnership by consolidating the institutional framework of the Mobility Partnership Cooperation Platform and establishing of a Migration Profile 2. Improving the out-reach capacities of Moldovan consular staff to the Moldovan diaspora – thus reinforcing ties of the diaspora members with Moldova – and to build the capacity of diaspora associations to get actively involved in homeland development 3. Enhancing the capacity of the Moldovan Government to develop and implement programs for promotion and facilitation of the return and professional reintegration of qualified Moldovans through up-grading of the in-country system targeting migrant returnees and creation of a set of measures facilitating the return and socio-economic reintegration of various groups of returning migrants 4. Targeting direct needs of most vulnerable persons left behind by migrants – their children and elderly relatives and enhancing the capacities of the national and local authorities to cope with a relatively new phenomenon by thematic extension and revision of Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) within the already functional National Referral System of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family. ▌ Project components Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration 7
This project is funded by the European Union ▌ Main activities Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration 1. Supporting the implementation of the EU Moldova Mobility Partnership: –Strengthening the Moldovan institutional capacity to better manage all aspects of migratory flows by establishing a Migration Technical Facility –Establishing of a Migration Profile, including mapping of the Moldovan Diaspora –Strengthening the capacity of the government to implement and regularly update Migration Profile 2. Capacity Building for the Moldovan Government’s capacity in Diaspora programming and for Moldovan migrant associations: –Improving the out-reach capacities of Moldovan Government to the Moldovan Diaspora –Building the capacity of Diaspora associations to get actively involved in homeland development 8
This project is funded by the European Union ▌ Main activities Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration 3. Promotion and facilitation of the return and reintegration of Moldovan migrants: - Promoting the return of Moldovan migrants - Developing and implementing programs for temporary and permanent return and reintegration - Consolidating the regional outreach capacity of the Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises - Developing and implementing initiatives of economic empowerment for youth and women - Supporting the negotiation of bilateral labour and social security agreements 4. Supporting family members left behind by migrants: - Expanding the existing NRS operated by the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child so as to allow targeted identification and assistance to children and elderly persons left behind - Pilot-testing of identification and referral for individually tailored assistance of 300 children and elderly persons left behind - Offering crisis intervention or short-term rehabilitation measures to 150 children and elderly left behind through the Chisinau Assistance and Protection Center 9
This project is funded by the European Union 10 ▌Expected results 1.The institutional capacity of Moldovan Government to better manage all aspects of migratory flows consolidated and a Migration Profile established. 2.The Moldovan Government’s capacity in Diaspora programming improved in line with the Diaspora National Action Plan and the capacity of Moldovan migrant associations in the destination countries enhanced to become active in support of local development in Moldova. 3.Social security and protection of the Moldovan migrants working abroad enhanced; innovative temporary and permanent return and reintegration programs, and initiatives of economic empowerment for youth and women developed and implemented. 4.Vulnerable family members left behind by migrants provided support, taking into account their vulnerability. The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership
This project is funded by the European Union 11 Thank you very much for your attention! The project is implemented by International Organization for Migration Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership