What is the meaning?
How to write a reflection: Reflections: can be both formative and summative. If they are summative, an edited and typed copy will be submitted. should be about words in length. will be in sentences and paragraphs A paragraph is one complete idea. This one idea is expanded upon with supporting details. Details include pieces of information such as examples, statistics, quotations, additional explanation or a personal story. Parts of a paragraph include a topic sentence, a body of supporting details and a transition or concluding sentence.
Consider the assessment categories: Knowledge/Understanding – what content can you demonstrate knowledge of? Thinking/Inquiry – how can you extend the content, can you back up your opinion? How is it organized? Application/Making connections – how does this connect to the world? can this be related to my own life? how does this relate to other course material? Communication – are my points clear and concise? Edited?
What is the meaning of life?
Religion Documentary (jellybones09) -