Segment 1 Segment 1 EXAM REVIEW & FAMILY Collaboration
Read through every slide. When you see a STAR like this, be sure to complete the activity! In PowerPoint, you will either the TEXT tool Or the LINE TOOL to complete most of the activities
Collaboration Goals Prepare you for your Segment 1 Exam Fulfill your Segment 1 Collaboration Requirement
Segment 1Part 12 Reading Passages 25 multiple choice questions 1 hour Segment 1Part 21 Essay Question 2 Prompt Choices 1 hour SegmentPartQuestionsTime to Take What’s this exam going to LOOK like anyway? *Answer these questions using the chart above 1.How many parts does my Language Arts 3 Segment Exam have? 2.How long will each part take?
2 Part Exam 2 Passwords Final Grade = the AVERAGE of the two Scores! Your final exam score must be above a 60% in order to pass the course. Your final exam score is calculated by averaging the two scores together. In the example above, the final exam score would be figured by: = % = Passing 157.7/2 = 78.85% = Passing What is the FINAL EXAM score that this student earned? _________________
What happens if I don’t Pass? Your teacher will call you and set up a plan for remediation. Once your remediation is completed, your teacher will ask the principal for permission to re-set your exam. Each exam can ONLY be re-set 1 TIME! If you re-take one part of the exam and that boost your exam score above a 60%, you will NOT have to take the 2 nd part of the exam over.
How do YOU study for YOUR FLVS EXAMS? **Write a 3-4 sentence paragraph that describes how you study for your FLVS exams PARENTS When you were in school, how did you study and prepare for YOUR tests and exams?
Have YOU completed your DBA study guides? If you checked NO, please download the module 1, 2, and 3 DBA study guides before taking your Segment 1 exam! The study guides were formatted based on the segment exam. If you have those filled out you will ensure that you will NOT miss a question simply because you don’t understand a vocabulary term like imperative mood.
DBA Study Guides 1.WHERE do you find the DBA study guides for the Language Arts 3 course? 2.Name 2 reasons WHY it would be beneficial to have those filled out BEFORE you take the Segment 1 exam 1. 2.
Pre-TestModule Exam in Module 1 Another good study strategy for the Segment 1 Exam is to go over your Pre-Test and Module Exam in Module 1 These reading tests are in the SAME format as the PART 1 of the SEGMENT EXAM!
Why is it a good idea to look back over your Module 1 pre-test and Module Exam?
COMMON TYPES of Questions on Your Exam Multiple Choice that focuses on MAIN IDEA. Multiple Choice that focuses on CONTEXT CLUES. LONG Essay Responses (Part 2 of your Segment Exam)
What is a MAIN IDEA? How do you FIND the MAIN IDEA of an article, passage, and/or paragraph?
What is a MAIN IDEA? “MAIN” “MAIN” means IMPORTANT, or KEY, the HEART of the matter. “IDEA” “IDEA” means the THOUGHT, the THESIS, or the TOPIC How do you FIND the MAIN IDEA of an article, passage, and/or paragraph?
WHERE is the main idea MOST likely found in a TEXT?
Despite the hatred that most people feel toward cockroaches, they do help humans in several ways. For example, they are perfect experimental animals and are used for scientific research in the laboratory. Breeding them is easy, for they thrive under almost any conditions. In studies on nutrition and food, cockroaches are good subjects because they will eat any kind of food. They can be used to study heart disease, and cancer researchers work with roaches because they grow cancerous tumors like those that are found in humans. UNDERLINE the sentence that tells the MAIN IDEA of the paragraph below: WHY did you select THIS sentence?
Using Context Clues to find the meanings of UNKNOWN words…. An author often includes hints, or clues, to help the reader expand vocabulary and grasp the meaning of the passage. Skill in using context clues enables a reader to comprehend advance texts.
Practicing Context Clues Shakespeare Style *Read the story written by Shakespeare on the next page. Try to figure out the meanings of the highlighted words using the context clues surrounding the words. Underline the word that best defines each highlighted word. Work with your parents to help you!
UNDERLINE the correct answer.
Choice (a) Choice (b) Choice (c) Choice (d) Choose an answer for every question !
Extended Response QUESTIONS Beginning: (A topic sentence that re-states the question) Middle: (Support with 3 specific details and quotes from the text) Ending: (A concluding sentence that re-states the original question) Good extended-response answers have three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an ending.
On the next slide: 1.READ 1.READ the passage with your family 2.WriteEXTENDED RESPONSE paragraph 2.Write an EXTENDED RESPONSE paragraph in response to the question below the reading paragraph. Beginning: (A topic sentence that re-states the question) Middle: (Support with 3 specific details and quotes from the text) Ending: (A concluding sentence that re-states the original question) Be sure your response includes:
Write your extended response HERE:
Please Watch this 10 minute Movie that will tell you all about the Part 2 Writing Test! *There will be a “POP” quiz on the next slide, so be sure to take some notes! *If the video does NOT load for you, you may go to our help site. The video is under MODULE 6. It’s the LAST video in module 6.
Writing Exam Movie POP Quiz 1.Which prompt choice (informative/narrative) do you think you will pick on this exam? 2.Why do you think you’ll pick this prompt choice? 3.Which prompt choice do you have to write a FULL essay for? By full we mean an essay that has a complete beginning, middle, and end. 4.Which prompt choice only requires a PARAGRAPH response? 5. Before turning in your writing exam to your teacher, what should you do to ensure that you receive the most points possible?
Segment 1 Part 2 InformativeRubric
Segment 1 Part 2 Narrative Rubric
**Respond to the following questions with at least two sentences for each. 1.Which family member did you complete the collaboration with? 2. What concept(s) did you learn or practice learning during the collaboration? 3. How did you feel about the overall experience of working with a family member to complete your classwork? 4. How can you use what you learned in the collaboration in your life? 5.What was your favorite part of the collaboration. 6.Give one suggestion on how the teachers could make the collaboration better. Collaboration Reflection
1.Complete ALL activities 1.Complete ALL activities marked with a STAR STAR on this PowerPoint. If you don’t have PowerPoint you may use the.pdf file of this presentation and write your answers on a word or text document. 2. Turn IN 2. Turn IN this Power Point presentation OR your text document in the Assessments tab as your Segment 2 Collaboration assignment. 3. Call YOUR Teacher for the EXAM PASSWORDS if you are ready for your exam! Let him/her know you’ve completed the Segment Exam Collaboration! If you need ANY help from US, feel free to call your teacher OR your LEAD teacher: Mrs. Watkins NEXT STEPS