Standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of UNODC Update on the Regional Programme for South Eastern Europe Monday, 7 September 2015
UNODC Regional Programme for South Eastern Europe Strategic framework for UNODC work in the region S upport EU accession requirements Key principles: Inter-regional drug control approach (“Balkan route”) Impact orientation based on operational & practical results Strategy, integration & non-duplication Coordination, communications & cost-efficiency Structure: S-P 1: Drug Trafficking & TOC S-P 2: Justice & Corruption S-P 3: Drug Demand Reduction
Results of work in 2014 (1) Outcome 1.1 – Container Control Programme Bosnia-Herzegovina joined CCP; capacity building in 3 ports; exchanges beyond the region; Albania seizures increased to 5.6 t marijuana, 22.7 kg heroin, counterfeit goods worth Euro 200,000 Outcome 1.2 – Anti-trafficking / inter-regional Comprehensive regional report on drug trafficking; Inter-Regional Drug Control Approach; Paris Pact Initiative; cooperation with Turkey Outcome 1.3 – Anti-money laundering Report on impact of illicit financial flows; capacity building Outcome 1.4 – Anti-human trafficking / smuggling of migrants Capacity building, including criminal justice response to trafficking in children; analysis of trends; national strategy and helpline for victims of human trafficking in Albania
Results of work in 2014 (2) Outcome 2.1 – Anti-corruption UNCAC Review Mechanism; women anti-corruption efforts in Albania; capacity building in Kosovo under UNSCR 1244; finalization of studies on bribery in the region Outcome 2.2, 2.4 – Criminal justice / prison reform Regional capacity building on treatment of women prisoners; assessment on prison-based rehabilitation programmes in Albania Outcome 2.3 – Terrorism prevention Regional capacity building, including with emphasis on arms controls and UNSCR 1540 (CBRN)
Results of work in 2014 (3) Outcome 3.1 – Prevention of drug use Capacity building activities at national and regional levels, including for families/children and policy makers; cooperation with Lions Club Intl reaching to 21 schools and 1,300 students in Serbia Outcome 3.2 – Treatment and care of drug use In Albania: support to Government - CSO MOU, 1 st National Conference on drug treatment and care, report on homeless children affected by drug use and guidelines; in Serbia: work with NGOs
UNODC continued strategic positioning Expanded programme office in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Steering Committee meetings 1 high level donor briefing 4 newsletters 78 web-stories 2 UNDAF processes Approval of concept of RP SEE ( )
UNODC Regional Programme for South Eastern Europe United Nations UN treaties - Conventions & instruments UN-wide policy mechanisms - UN System Task Force on TOC & Drug Trafficking - ‘One UN’ & UNDAFs European Union EU accession perspective and Partnership in line with acquis: - Chapter 23 – Justice - Chapter 24 – Organized Crime - Chapter 28 – Public Health In-Depth Evaluation (completed in May 2015) complementarity impact