Write a Riddle I have really weak jaws what am I? I am the fastest animal on earth what am I? I eat hooved mammals what am I?
Cheetahs By Cameron Peak
The Animal’s body A cheetahs legs run up to 70 mph to catch they're prey and to run away from predators. The king cheetah has a royal coat that has strips and spots on it. The cheetah’s jaws are really weak because they can not grab their prey.
The Animal’s Habitat A cheetah lives in Namibia, I ran, northern India and semi desert. They also live in savannas, prairies and Field brush. Some cheetahs sleep under a rock. Cheetahs are mostly found in the Saharan
The Animal’s Living Habits The cheetah is playing to kill because when they are adults they hunt for real A cheetah makes a purring or chirping sounds. The cheetah’s diet is small birds and hooved mammals like Thompson’s gazelle and impalas.
Ending Paragraph A cheetah is a mammal. I picked the cheetah because a cheetah is very fast I like the cheetah because a cheetah can run up to 70 mph