Instrument compartments in Experimental halls 1, 2 & 3 1
Shielding materials Boron-loaded paraffin and boron-loaded polyethylene
Agenda boron-loaded paraffin Building element with boron-loaded paraffin Fire properties of boron-loaded paraffin Issues regarding boron-loaded paraffin Fire load and design fires Safety distances and fire protection cladding 3
Building element 4
Vertical flame spread test, boron-loaded paraffin 5
Cone calorimeter test, boron-loaded paraffin 6
Boron-loaded paraffin, B(OH)3 Consists of paraffin and 30% boric acid Boric acid theoretically consists of 56% boron oxide and 44 % water Melting point ˚C Heat of combustion of 21 MJ/kg Heat release of 300 kW/m2 7
Fire load and design fire at ESS Fire load can be installed or variable and can contribute to a design basis fire All excess fire load should be considered as protected fire load, not to contribute to a fire Protected fire load shall be verified by literature or experiments Validation of protected fire load by test at SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden 30MW design fire corresponds to 100m 2 pool fire of boron-loaded paraffin or the interior floor area of an instrument compartment of 10 x 10 m that is being rebuilt. 8
Safety distances - Instrument compartments during construction 9
Fire and heat protection of building elements 10
Conclusion paraffin-filled building elements Design value will be the maximum design fire of 30MW, This corresponds to a burning truck or a burning pool fire,100 m 2, of boron-loaded paraffin. This pool fire may consist of 1 m 3 boron-loaded paraffin distributed as melted material with a height of 1 cm over 100 m 2 Conclusion: the instrument compartments can only be built or rebuilt one at a time If a sprinkler system is installed, the fire analysis present that the 30 MW fire in an instrument compartment will not reach it’s value. The fire growth will be stopped at 6 MW Conclusion: several instruments compartments can be built or rebuilt at the same time but with safety distances Safety distances to prevent fire spread between instrument compartments Fire protection cladding to prevent fire spread between instrument compartments 11 1 MW2 meter 6 MW5 meter 30 MW10 meter
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