DoD IT Portfolios - DoD Directive


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Presentation transcript:

Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA) Len Tabacchi 27 September 2007

DoD IT Portfolios - DoD Directive 8115.01 DoD Cross-Mission Area Forum Business Mission Area (BMA) DBSMC Leads BTA Implements Warfighting Mission Area (WMA) CJCS Leads J6 Implements Defense Intelligence Mission Area (DIMA) USD(I) Leads, DIA Implements Governance via DBSMC Governance via JROC Governance via ISR Material Supply and Service Mgt Real Property & Installation Lifecycle Mgt Weapon System Lifecycle Mgt Human Resource Mgt Financial Mgt Focused Logistics Battlespace Awareness Force Application Force Protection Net-Centric Force Management Joint Training Command & Control Analysis & Production Exploitation Collection Dissemination Enterprise Management Enterprise IT Mission Management DBSMC = Defense Business Systems Management Committee JROC = Joint Requirements Oversight Council ISR = Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Integration Council Subgroup Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA) DoD CIO Leads and Implements Governance via EIEMA IRB Information Assurance Communications Computing Infrastructure Core Enterprise Services Cross-Cutting & Interdependent Domains 4/6/2007

EIEMA’s Role Develop and implement a process to manage the department's portfolio of EIE investments – Portfolio Management. This includes the development of an investment review process. - DoD 8115.01

EIEMA IRB Mission, Goals, and Authority The mission of the EIEMA IRB is to drive transformation of the EIE IT Portfolio to meet the DoD CIO vision to deliver the power of information Goals Provide guidance to transform the EIE to a common, assured, and ubiquitous communications, computing and enterprise service and data environment Ensure IT capabilities and related resources effectively support the missions of the DoD and are efficiently managed Ensure the review process of EIE investments consider criteria that are simple, measurable, available, relevant, and transparent Authority DoD Directive 8115.01: Directs the DoD CIO, as the lead of EIEMA, to establish the EIE portfolio and develop any required guidance to implement a portfolio management process DoD Directive 5144.1: ASD(NII)/DoD CIO: Directs the CIO to “review and provide recommendations” to the SECDEF and Heads of Components regarding performance of IT (including NSS) programs as well as on budget requests and continuation, modification and termination.

EIEMA IRB Governance Structure IRB Stakeholders: Component CIOs, Mission Area Leads, Domain Owners EIEMA participates in: WMA, BMA, DIMA 5 5

EIEMA’s PfM process aligns with Core PfM Functions in DoDD 8115.01 6 6

DoD IT Investments, by Mission Area This chart shows the distribution of DoD IT resources among the DoDD8115 Mission Areas. About $100B of the DOD IT investments reported in SNAP-IT are assigned to the EIE Mission Area. What is SNAP-IT? SNAP-IT is the authoritative record of DoD IT submissions to OMB and Congress. Linking SNAP-IT initiatives to warfighting capabilities is a good place to start What is in SNAP-IT? WMA, BMA, EIEMA, and DIMA initiatives reported by the Components to OMB and Congress in the DOD IT budget. What is not in SNAP-IT? Some JNO programs - TSAT, MUOS, Wideband Gapfiller Satellite, and AEHF Why only $1B in DIMA? SNAP_IT currentlly includes: DIMA infrastructure initiatives, DIMA IA initiatives, and related DIMA technology initiatives. There are efforts underway to bring more DIMA initiatives into SNAP-IT. (About $985M is included in four separate initiatives. -Naval Criminal Investigative Service Operations -MIP Related Technical Activities -MIP Communications and Computing Infrastructure -MIP Information Assurance EIEMA is 53% of $189.1B IT Budget reported to OMB

Investments in EIEMA Domains, FY08-13 This chart shows the distribution of EIEMA investments among the EIE Domains based on our preliminary review of the portfolio. Mission Area and Domain assignments were made by the Components when they entered their initiatives into SNAP-IT. The Communications domain has the largest share of investments. The team validated that nearly all of the initiatives in SNAP-IT were assigned to the appropriate domain. We found that a few initiatives needed to be reassigned to either a different domain or different mission area. We have recommendations for reassigning these initiatives and are working them with your teams EIEMA SUPPORT: Our review with stakeholders found that there were some initiatives that don’t fit into any one of the current EIEMA domains. These initiatives support several EIEMA domains and include architecture and engineering, oversight, and data and document management. We placed these in a temporary category- “EIEMA Support” – need to work with the EIE/JNO architecture team to determine how to handle these initiatives/capabilities. MOVE TO OTHER MISSION AREA: Also our review found that some initiatives (less than 1%) currently assigned to EIEMA should be moved to another mission area. NOTE: Percentages are not intended to show precision, but simply to allow capabilities linked to less than $1B in investments to appear on the chart. EIEMA IT Budget for FY08-13 reported to OMB is about $100B