Drawing Composition, Space, Chalk Pastels and Charcoal
Objective For this project you will use your prior knowledge of composition and space and the use of the overlapping drawing technique to create small pictures using two objects. You will learn how to create a value scale and how to use it in you work.
Composition is the placement of the objects in a picture.
Space is used to create depth in a picture. Overlapping is one of six techniques for creating space in a picture.
Charcoal is a type of medium that you can use to show value.
Chalk Pastels is another type of medium that can be used to create value as well as add color.
Examples In this photo the key is the only focal point.
In this photo the flower and the lattice are focal point.
In this photo the sunglasses are the focal point.
Georgia O’Keefe ( ) She known for the following: Flowers- She focused on different parts of the flower.
Examples of Georgia O’Keeffe’s Art Work
Directions 1.Pick two objects 2.Get a ruler 3.Get your sketch book 4. In your sketch book make eight 3X3 squares ( If there isn’t enough room continue to page two.) 5. Get Copy Paper 6. With the copy paper make a viewing square by measuring out an inch square and then cut it out 7.Overlap the two objects that you have and draw the section you see in the first square. (This is how you will show space) 8.Then change the area you are looking at and draw that in the next square. You will repeat this for each square 9.Make sure you draw different areas of the objects using your viewing square
Directions continued 10. You will need to make sure that you see different sections of the objects you have picked.
Examples of Objects to Draw
Value Scale Directions Count your squares Color in the first block using the lightest value Color in the last block using the darkest value Color in the middle block using the medium value Progressively color in the remaining areas LightestMediumDarkest
Charcoal and Chalk Pastel Directions You can choose where you would like to use each of these mediums. You can choose to use either charcoal or chalk pastels, or both for each of the squares. You must use value/shading for whichever medium you choose in each square. You can outline different areas of your drawing when you are done coloring
Rubric- 100pts. Plan 8 3in by 3in squares Each square must show different areas of the two objects you have picked Drawing is neat Coloring neatly Outlining is neat Complete the final project You must use charcoal, chalk pastels and marker Clean up all dust and messy areas before turning it in Spray your project with hair spray and let it dry