Chapter 6 A Tour of the Cell
Warning!! Much of this chapter is covered in Biology I and is considered pre- requisite knowledge. Focus on what is new to you while you review what is already familiar.
Tools for Cytology (study of cells) Cell Fractionation – break the cell apart and separate out the pieces. Chromatography – separates mixtures based on their solubility. Electrophoresis – separates mixtures of protein or DNA using gels and electricity.
Cell Fractionation
Chromatography Technique for separating mixtures of chemicals. Separates chemicals by size or degree of attraction to the materials in the medium. Ex - paper, gas, column, thin-layer
Electrophoresis Separates mixtures of chemicals by their movement in an electrical field. Used for proteins and DNA.
Cell Theory All living matter is composed of one or more cells. The cell is the structural and functional unit of life. All cells come from cells.
Types of Cells Prokaryotic - lack a nucleus and other membrane bounded structures. Eukaryotic - have a nucleus and other membrane bounded structures.
Both Have: Membrane Cytosol Ribosomes (but the size is different)
ProkaryoticEukaryotic Nucleus
Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Endosymbiotic Theory Mitochondria and chloroplasts were once primitive bacterial cells that came to work within another cell, forming the ancestor of today’s Eukaryotes /student_view0/chapter4/ani mation_-_endosymbiosis.html /student_view0/chapter4/ani mation_-_endosymbiosis.html
Evidence for Endosymbiosis Membranes — Mitochondria/Chloroplasts have 2 of their own cell membranes, 1 likely derived from the original prokaryotic cell, the other from the original host cell
Evidence, Continued DNA — Mitochondria/Chloroplast have their own circular DNA genome, like a bacteria's genome, but much smaller. This DNA is passed from a parent organelle to its offspring and is separate from the "host" cell's genome in the nucleus.
Evidence, Continued Reproduction — Mitochondria multiply by pinching in half — the same process used by bacteria. Every new mitochondrion must be produced from a parent mitochondrion in this way; if a cell's mitochondria are removed, it can't build new ones from scratch.
Evidence, Continued Mitochondria/Chloroplast are similar in size to bacteria cells Phylogenetically, mitochondria appear to be derived from purple bacteria and chloroplast derived from photosynthetic bacteria
Why Are Cells So Small? Cell volume to surface area ratios favor small size. Nucleus to cytoplasm consideration (control). Metabolic requirements. Speed of diffusion.
Basic Cell Organization Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Organelles
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Membrane Separates the cell from the environment. Boundary layer for regulating the movement of materials in/out of a cell.
Cytoplasm or Cytosol Cell substance between the cell membrane and the nucleus. The “fluid” part of a cell. Exists in two forms: gel - thick sol - fluid
Organelle Term means "small organ”. Formed body (or compartment) in a cell with a specialized function. Important in organizational structure of cells.
Organelles - function Way to form compartments in cells to separate chemical reactions. Keeps various enzymes separated in space.
You must be able to: Identify the major organelles Give their structure Give their function
Nucleus Most conspicuous organelle. Usually spherical, but can be lobed or irregular in shape.
Structure Nuclear membrane Nuclear pores Nucleolus Chromatin
Nuclear Membrane Double membrane separated by a nm space. Inner membrane supported by a protein matrix which gives the shape to the nucleus.
Nuclear Pores Regular “holes” through both membranes. 100 nm in diameter. Protein complex gives shape. Allows materials in/out of nucleus.
Nucleolus Dark staining area in the nucleus per nucleus. Storage area for ribosomes.
Chromatin Chrom: colored - tin: threads DNA and Protein in a “loose” format. Will form the cell’s chromosomes.
Nucleus - Function Control center for the cell. Contains the genetic instructions.
Ribosomes Structure: 2 subunits made of protein and rRNA. No membrane. Function: protein synthesis.
Subunits Large: 45 proteins 3 rRNA molecules Small: 23 proteins 1 rRNA molecule
Locations Free in the cytoplasm - make proteins for use in cytosol. Membrane bound - make proteins that are exported from the cell.
Endomembrane System Membranes that are related through direct physical continuity or by the transfer of membrane segments called vesicles.
Endomembrane System
Endoplasmic Reticulum Often referred to as ER. Makes up to 1/2 of the total membrane in cells. Often continuous with the nuclear membrane.
Structure of ER Folded sheets or tubes of membranes. Very “fluid” in structure with the membranes constantly changing size and shape.
Types of ER Smooth ER: no ribosomes. Used for lipid synthesis, carbohydrate storage, detoxification of poisons. Rough ER: with ribosomes. Makes secretory proteins.
Golgi Apparatus or Dictyosomes Structure: parallel array of flattened cisternae. (looks like a stack of Pita bread) 3 to 20 per cell. Likely an outgrowth of the ER system.
Function of Golgi Bodies Processing - modification of ER products. Distribution - packaging of ER products for transport.
Golgi Vesicles Small sacs of membranes that bud off the Golgi Body. Transportation vehicle for the modified ER products.
Lysosome Single membrane. Made from the Golgi apparatus.
Function Breakdown and degradation of cellular materials. Contains enzymes for fats, proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids. Over 40 types known.
Lysosomes Important in cell death. Missing enzymes may cause various genetic enzyme diseases. Examples: Tay-Sachs, Pompe’s Disease
Vacuoles Structure - single membrane, usually larger than the Golgi vesicles. Function - depends on the organism.
Protists Contractile vacuoles - pump out excess water. Food vacuoles - store newly ingested food until the lysosomes can digest it.
Plants Large single vacuole when mature making up to 90% of the cell's volume. Tonoplast - the name for the vacuole membrane.
Function Water regulation. Storage of ions. Storage of hydrophilic pigments. (e.g. red and blues in flower petals).
Function: Plant vacuole Used to enlarge cells and create turgor pressure. Enzymes (various types). Store toxins. Coloration.
Microbodies Structure: single membrane. Often have a granular or crystalline core of enzymes.
Function Specialized enzymes for specific reactions. Peroxisomes: use up hydrogen peroxide. Glyoxysomes: lipid digestion.
Enzymes in a crystal
Mitochondria Structure: 2 membranes. The inner membrane has more surface area than the outer membrane. Matrix: inner space. Intermembrane space: area between the membranes.
Inner Membrane Folded into cristae. Amount of folding depends on the level of cell activity. Contains many enzymes. ATP generated here.
Function Cell Respiration - the release of energy from food. Major location of ATP generation. “Powerhouse” of the cell. Comment – be careful NOT to overuse this phrase.
Mitochondria Have ribosomes (small size). Have their own DNA. Can reproduce themselves. Likely were independent cells at one time.
Chloroplasts Structure - two outer membranes. Complex internal membrane. Fluid-like stroma is around the internal membranes.
Inner or Thylakoid Membranes Arranged into flattened sacs called thylakoids. Some regions stacked into layers called grana. Contain the green pigment chlorophyll.
Function Photosynthesis - the use of light energy to make food.
Chloroplasts Contain ribosomes (small size). Contain DNA. Can reproduce themselves. Often contain starch. Likely were independent cells at one time (cyano-bacteria).
Plastids Group of plant organelles. Structure - single membrane. Function - store various materials.
Examples Amyloplasts/ Leucoplasts - store starch. Chromoplasts - store hydrophobic plant pigments such as carotene.
Ergastic Materials General term for other substances produced or stored by plant cells. Examples: Crystals Tannins Latex Resins
Cytoskeleton Network of rods and filaments in the cytoplasm.
Functions Cell structure and shape. Cell movement. Cell division - helps build cell walls and move the chromosomes apart.
Cytoskeleton Components Microtubules Microfilaments Intermediate Filaments
Microtubules Structure - small hollow tubes made of repeating units of a protein dimer. Size - 25 nm diameter with a 15 nm lumen. Can be 200 nm to 25 m in length.
Tubulin Protein in microtubules. Dimer - and tubulin.
Microtubules Regulate cell shape. Coordinate direction of cellulose fibers in cell wall formation. Tracks for motor molecules.
Microtubules Form cilia and flagella. Internal cellular movement. Make up centioles, basal bodies and spindle fibers.
Cilia vs. Flagella Cilia - short, but numerous. Flagella - long, but few. Function - to move cells or to sweep materials past a cell.
Cilia and Flagella Structure arrangement of microtubules, covered by the cell membrane. Dynein - motor protein that connects the tubules.
Dynein Protein A contractile protein. Uses ATP. Creates a twisting motion between the microtubules causing the structure to bend or move.
Centrioles Usually one pair per cell, located close to the nucleus. Found in animal cells. 9 sets of triplet microtubules. Help in cell division.
Basal Bodies Same structure as a centriole. Anchor cilia and flagella.
Basal Body
Microfilaments 5 to 7 nm in diameter. Structure - two intertwined strands of actin protein.
Microfilaments are stained green.
Functions Muscle contraction. Cytoplasmic streaming. Pseudopodia. Cleavage furrow formation. Maintenance and changes in cell shape.
Intermediate Filaments Fibrous proteins that are super coiled into thicker cables and filaments nm in diameter. Made from several different types of protein.
Functions Maintenance of cell shape. Hold organelles in place.
Cytoskeleton Very dynamic; changing in composition and shape frequently. Cell is not just a "bag" of cytoplasm within a cell membrane.
Cell Wall Nonliving jacket that surrounds some cells. Found in: Plants Prokaryotes Fungi Some Protists
Plant Cell Walls All plant cells have a Primary Cell Wall. Some cells will develop a Secondary Cell Wall.
Primary Wall Thin and flexible. Cellulose fibers placed at right angles to expansion. Placement of fibers guided by microtubules.
Secondary Wall Thick and rigid. Added between the cell membrane and the primary cell wall in laminated layers. May cover only part of the cell; giving spirals. Makes up "wood”.
Middle Lamella Thin layer rich in pectin found between adjacent plant cells. Glues cells together.
Cell Walls May be made of other types of polysaccharides and/or silica. Function as the cell's exoskeleton for support and protection.
Extracellular Matrix - ECM Fuzzy coat on animal cells. Helps glue cells together. Made of glycoproteins and collagen. Evidence suggests ECM is involved with cell behavior and cell communication.
Intercellular Junctions Plants-Plasmodesmata
Plasmodesmata Channels between cells through adjacent cell walls. Allows communication between cells. Also allows viruses to travel rapidly between cells.
Intercellular Juctions Animals: Tight junctions Desmosomes Gap junctions
Tight Junctions Very tight fusion of the membranes of adjacent cells. Seals off areas between the cells. Prevents movement of materials around cells.
Desmosomes Bundles of filaments which anchor junctions between cells. Does not close off the area between adjacent cells. Coordination of movement between groups of cells.
Gap Junctions Open channels between cells, similar to plasmodesmata. Allows “communication” between cells.
Chapter Summary Answer: Why is Life cellular and what are the factors that affect cell size? Be able to identify cellular parts, their structure, and their functions.
Cell Animation Link _innerlife_hi.html _innerlife_hi.html You may need to replay this several times to catch all of the parts.