Copyright, 2006 ©Douglas Benson, MDH THE SEVEN "R's" OF GRANT WRITING Douglas Benson Office of Primary Care & Financial Assistance Minnesota Department of Health St. Paul, MN
Introduction The subject of my presentation is proposal writing. But remember that a proposal does not stand alone. It must be part of a grant’s process involving the Seven “R’s” of Grant Writing.
The Seven R’s Research Writing Responsive Reporting Relationship(s) Reliable Performance Respectful
Introduction (cont’d) An application must be part of a process of planning, of research on, outreach to, and cultivation of, potential funding foundations, individual and corporate donors. The process is grounded in the conviction that a partnership should develop between the applicant and the funder.
Remember - it is hard to give money away Grant or foundation funds have no value until awarded and the project successfully completed.
Research What are your problems or needs? What would you like to accomplish? What are your priorities? How much will it cost and why? What are the possible sources for funding? What are their priorities and timelines?
Plan Define the purpose of your application. The outcome you seek: Inform Persuade Motivate to action Sell Your Proposed Project TIP Identify and organize your key points
Grant Writing Process Prepare Plan Construct Review Submit Administer Evaluate
Prepare Establish a Positive Mind-Set Value your message Visualize yourself succeeding Visualize your audience responding Prepare an attention getting proposal Present a problem Relate an incident Offer an opportunity
Components of a Proposal Applicant Information (1 Page) Executive Summary (1 Page) Statement of Need (2 Pages) Project Description (3 Pages) Budget (1 Page Accounting Form (1 Page Budget Justification) Conclusion/Summary (2 Paragraphs)
Prepare and Plan Define the purpose of your application: Knowledge Experience Needs Goals and Objectives Opportunities
Writing Illustrate and support Key Points with evidence and visuals. Key Points Of Application Problem and Solution Statistics Testimonials/Incidents Exhibits
Writing (cont.) Original Comprehensive Convincing Compelling and Persuasive Timely Appealing (Visually and Memorably) Quality Workmanship TIP Develop transitions or bridges between key points.
Writing (cont’d) Review your application presentation And your visuals for: Clarity Relevancy Eye-appeal Visibility Quality Memorability
Writing (cont’d) Review Your Application - Does it: Have a strong opening Clear key points Logical flow Vivid Language Credible evidence and...
Writing (cont’d) Also have a Memorable close Clarity of message Identify and eliminate distracting jargon Results and action orientated Are the results obtainable?
Responsive Be responsive to the needs and problems of your community and your institution Aim to meet funders needs and priorities Meet other stakeholder needs Talk in terms of your audience’s interest Involve and entreat your audience
Reporting Progress and achievements against milestones Financial Reporting Publicity and Public Relations
Relationship(s) With existing funders With potential funders and donors Build rapport and trust with funders and reviewers Think in terms of their interests
Reliable Performance Tell them what you are going to do Tell them what you have done Tell them why you need them and NOT why they need you! Do what you said you were going to do! And then tell the provider what you have done because of their assistance!
Be Respectful of Everyone Treat all project partners with respect Treat project reviewers with respect - it’s a tough and thankless task Treat Program Officers with respect Even if denied funding, treat foundation or agency representatives with respect
Evaluate Strive for continuous improvement: Measure the success of your effort. Identify the strengths as well as areas to improve. Decide how you will improve the next time. TIP Remember to PLAN / PREPARE / PRESENT/ PERSIST
The Seven R’s Research Writing Responsive Reporting Relationship(s) Reliable Performance Respect
Doug Benson Office of Rural Health & Primary Care Minnesota Dept. of Health 85 E. 7 th Place, Suite 220 St. Paul, MN (651)