{ Writing SOAP Notes Ms. Bowman
A documentation method used by health care providers 4 parts Subjective Objective Assessment Plan What is a SOAP Note?
Describes the patient’s current condition Usually includes chief complaint Includes: Onset Chronology-what makes it better worse Quality –sharp, dull, achy, etc. Severity-pain rating Modifying factors-what aggravates/reduces complaint-activities, postures, drugs Additional symptoms Treatment Typically reported by patient Subjective
Documents objective, repeatable, and traceable facts about the patient’s statues Includes: Vital signs Findings from physical examinations-posture, bruising, abnormalities Results from labs Measurements Typically observed by clinician Objective
Specific medical diagnosis Assessment
Describes what the health care provider will do to treat the patient Includes: Lab work order Therapeutic modalities Rehabilitation Surgery Medications Plan
Documentation is crucial for health care workers Provides health care worker of a record of injury/treatment Provides supporting documents in legal situations Inter-provider communication Public health research Longitudinal patient records Billing/insurance/reimbursement “If you didn’t document it, it didn’t happen” SOAP note format was developed in the 1970s It gave health care workers rigor, structure, and a way to communicate effectively with each other Why Do You Need to Document?
Must be accurate, clear, and reflect specific services and events Use appropriate medical abbreviations Thorough, but not excessively wordy Key Aspects of Documentation