Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Project Overview of project and Geoprocessing
What is an MPA? An area set aside for conservation
MPA Definition Federal Definition MPA is a general term for places given special protections for natural or historic marine resources by local, state, federal or tribal authorities national parks wildlife refuges Monuments marine sanctuaries fisheries closures critical habitat habitat areas of particular concern state parks, conservation areas estuarine reserves and preserves
MPA Definition Primary Conservation Goal Natural Heritage Cultural Heritage Sustainable Production Level of Protection No Access No Impact No Take Zoned With No-Take Areas Zoned Multiple Use Uniform Multiple Use Permanence of Protection Permanent Conditional Temporary Constancy of Protection Year-Round Seasonal Rolling Scale of Protection Ecosystem Focal Resource Allowed Extractive Activities Commercial Fishing Recreational Fishing Subsistence Hunting/Fishing Scientific/Educational Collecting Mineral/Energy Extraction Other
Fisheries management tools Management tools for fisheries Quotas – how many Size limits – how big Gear restrictions – trawling prohibited within shoreline to 3 mi Time based restrictions Spatially (place) based – Rockfish conservation areas Cowcod conservation areas Marine protected areas
California's MPAs - Marine Life Management Act California State Legislature direct the state to design a network marine protected areas MPA – six classifications State Marine Reserves No take State Marine Park Some recreational fishing allowed State Marine Conservation Areas Some recreational and commercial fishing allowed
California's MPAs - Marine Life Management Act Central Coast Project (Point Conception to Pigeon Point) Proposed network of MPAs from Point Conception to Pigeon Point by 2006 Rest of the coast between Public input critical! Stakeholders (recreational angling and diving, commercial fishing, ports and harbors, conservation, business )
California’s Fisheries Pacific Fisheries Information Network (PacFin) Fishery catch reported by the commercial industry Landings (lbs) Species Year Location (10 nm blocks)
Your mission is to select MPAs that consists 1 and 2 contiguous fishing blocks that: Have a depth equal to or less than 1200 m The bottom substrate is either hard or mixed Is more than 25 nautical miles from Moss Landing and Morro Bay Will not heavily impact fishers
New Tools you will use: Geoprocessing – in ArcTool Box Dissolve Merge Intersect Clip Buffers Summarizing Tables Joining Tables Model Builder
Merge Combines input features from multiple input sources (of the same data type) into a single, new, output feature class. The input data sources may be point, line, or polygon feature classes or tables. Data Management Tools> General > Merge
Intersect This tool builds a new feature class from the intersecting features common in both feature classes. It retains the attributes of both feature classes. Analysis Tools> Overlay > Intersect
Clip This tool uses a polygon boundary to cut features and their attributes from a feature class. Works like a cookie cutter. Analysis Tools> Extract > Clip
Buffer This tool creates a new feature class of buffer polygons around either polygon, line, or point features. Analysis Tools> Proximity > Buffer
Dissolve This tool combines like features based on a specified attribute or attributes. Data Management Tools> Generalization > Dissolve