Addiction Visit Port Moresby PNG by team addiction experts from Holland
Who we talked to / trained Start conference Ginigoada 2 churches/ programs in communities Training Laloki hospital Talk US embassy US health affair Visit ED department general hospital Talk with NCDC
Who we talked to / trained Visit Pari Village Training/ talk with bureau Narcotics Open training ( 2x) on life style training & motivational interviewing;
What we saw Country full of possibilities City full of possibilities Strong social structures Strong communities
What we talked about/ trained : What is addiction? Starts as a bad habit Becomes addiction = illness Stopping is learning process, takes a long time Falling and standing up again Motivating essential Punishing alone does not help Praising efforts, making a plan does
Lots of opportunities Number one: working together! There are lots of initiatives that work Working together, talking to each other, knowing what everybody is doing will enforce the positive movement! Make a social card of all organisations busy with the subject
Working together Bureau narcotics Church leaders Pastor Mike & Ginigoada NCDC ( Social division) Police Communities Mental health care Etc. Etc. etc
opportunities Number two education Youth = future of the country Make knowledge about addiction part of curriculum
opportunities Number 3 On all levels : give voice to the silence Try to understand the problems of addiction opposed to bad habit; Talk about it, enable people to talk about the problems caused by addiction
opportunities Number four: Empower women in communities Start with for instance Pari Village supporting a monthly meeting of the widows who want to stand up and help each other!
opportunities Start a ginigoada like program about alcohol and marihuana etc Make good PR for good initiatives, like the christmas project form NCDC Make more programs to prevent boredom in the city Outreaching social work as spider in the web
For policies and government Improve mental health care and facilities Start a addiction clinic!! ( expertise centre)
All this could not have been possible without Dame Carol Kidu and Canice Janetta Douglas from Rotary POM
Discussion What did you think about our visit? What kind of material do you need?