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Agenda Hand Shake Problem Standards for Mathematical Practice 2 Standards for Mathematical Practice 3 Standards for Mathematical Practice 4 Working together – Grade Level Lesson Study
Technology Policy Out of respect for the nature of our collaboration and thinking together please limit the use of Cell Phone and other communicative technology strictly to break times and before and after class.
Bring your ideas… As a group of professionals we have made a commitment to helping children attain success in life and a voice in the world. – Many times the best part of these kinds of professional development is simply the chance to share ideas, raise questions, and work with other practitioners to improve our own understandings and practice. – Please bring your stories of children’s learning, children’s struggles, and children’s successes with you.
Common Core SMP The Standards for Mathematical Practice Student Reasoning and Sense Making about Mathematics
1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. The Standards for Mathematical Practice Student Reasoning and Sense Making about Mathematics
Chickens and Pigs In the barnyard is an assortment of chickens and pigs. Counting heads I get 13; counting legs I get 46. How many pigs and chickens are there?
SMP #2 Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively "The ability to contextualize and decontextualize.“
SMP #3 Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others “Give defensible reasons for why a mathematical idea makes sense; Distinguish correct logic or reasoning from that which is flawed."
Meg’s Balloons
Making Candies Anthony makes candies. First, he mixes 1 cup of cream with 2 cups of chocolate. In all, he uses 9 cups of these two ingredients. Make a representation to show your solution to this question: How many cups of chocolate does he use in this candy recipe?
Making Candies Short 5 th grade video for Making Candies core-resources/mathematical-practice- standards/standard-4-model-with-mathematics
SMP #4 Model With Mathematics "Analyze relationships mathematically."
Grade Level Lesson Study Each semester we will meet in Grade Level teams to do a lesson study together for the purpose of increasing our students mathematical proficiency (CCSSM- Standards for Mathematics Practice)
Let’s Brain Storm: What classroom norms (mathematical and social) would help promote the 8 SMP’s in our class? What kind of mathematical task would promote the SMP’s to be enacted by our students? Grade Level Lesson Study
What are the Logistics? Meet on Friday October 10 th before to work with Sherry Lane and other Grant Instructors. About half of the day we will work to finalize a lesson and write it up. By the conclusion of Friday have a fully written up Lesson that will be enacted by half the group. Decide who is teaching and in what order. If there is change of schools try to do so across lunch so you are already out and about. Grade Level Lesson Study
After the Oct 10 th Friday Meeting the next 6 days each group will meet by grade level order: Kindergarten: Monday Oct 13 First: Tuesday Oct 14 Second: Wednesday Oct 15 Third: Thursday Oct 16 Fourth: Friday Oct 17 Fifth: Monday October 20 Grade Level Lesson Study
Inform your Administration that you will NEED subs for the full day for both the Friday and the day of your grade level lesson study. Even though some of you will be in your class to teach a math lesson to your students you will need the rest of the time to observe the same lesson being taught to other students and to take part in the lesson study modification discussions. Grade Level Lesson Study
The flow of the Lesson Study Days: Meet at 1 st teachers classroom (observe lesson) Leave classroom – Discuss modifications to lesson plan to promote students SMP Repeat X times (at least half the group) At the end of the day we will have an original lesson plan with appropriate modifications (This is our product we will share with others) Grade Level Lesson Study
Lesson Study by Open Approach A Key Component and Requirement for our lesson studies is that we choose some kind of open-ended mathematics task for our students to explore. Please note that this does not mean we have to spend time creating problems or tasks, we can use any worth-while task that we find from curriculums, websites, or other resources.
Questions about the Lesson Study idea or process? Grade Level Lesson Study
Stay Safe Please help us put the room in proper order. Please leave your name tags for next time.