Ethical and practical issues in participative research and dissemination with children and young people Dr Sally Holland School of Social sciences Cardiff University
Ethical issues in participatory research Brief description of study Brief description of study Summary of general ethical issues encountered Summary of general ethical issues encountered Practice and ethics of participatory dissemination Practice and ethics of participatory dissemination Films Films Published papers and further info. Published papers and further info.
( Extra)ordinary lives: Children’s Everyday Relationship Cultures in Public Care Looked after children are consistently discussed in terms of a range of social problems. Looked after children are consistently discussed in terms of a range of social problems. Aims to enable a group of these children and young people to produce their own accounts and representations of their everyday lives. Aims to enable a group of these children and young people to produce their own accounts and representations of their everyday lives. Participants choose means and methods Participants choose means and methods Exploration of possibilities and challenges of children’s participation in full research process Exploration of possibilities and challenges of children’s participation in full research process
Enabling children and young people to develop their autobiographical multi-media identity projects Enabling children and young people to develop their autobiographical multi-media identity projects Working collaboratively with new technologies during project sessions Working collaboratively with new technologies during project sessions Researchers conducting an ethnography of this process Researchers conducting an ethnography of this process Multi-media project sessions
General ethical issues in this project Consent: leaflets and DVD Consent: leaflets and DVD Remembering that the ‘photo club’ is research Remembering that the ‘photo club’ is research Right to withdraw data Right to withdraw data Developing relationships and ending the research Developing relationships and ending the research
Practice and ethics of participatory dissemination 1. Examples from 3 projects: film showing, stalls in methods fair, family fun day, policy round table 2. Issues and ethics Expense: costing it at bidding stage Expense: costing it at bidding stage Anonymising visual info Anonymising visual info Anonymity where participants know each other Anonymity where participants know each other ‘sanitising’ findings? ‘sanitising’ findings? THE EVERYDAY LIVES OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN CARE *invitation to watch some short films made by and about young people in Millennium Centre 10th March 2008, 4pm
Films ‘Marshmallow’ (Soyinka) ‘Marshmallow’ (Soyinka) ‘Place in me’ (Soyinka) ‘Place in me’ (Soyinka) ‘When I get angry I growl’ (Soyinka) ‘When I get angry I growl’ (Soyinka) ‘Me, myself and I’ (Ross) ‘Me, myself and I’ (Ross)
Methodological papers Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N.J., and Hillman, A. (2008) ‘Becoming participant’: problematising ‘informed consent’ in participatory research with children and young people in care, Qualitative Social Work, 7, 4, Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N.J., and Hillman, A. (2008) ‘Becoming participant’: problematising ‘informed consent’ in participatory research with children and young people in care, Qualitative Social Work, 7, 4, Wiles, R, Prosser, J., Bagnoli, A., Clark, A., Davies, K., Holland, S. and Renold, E. (2008) Visual Ethics: Ethical Issues in Visual Research, ESRC NCRM Research Methods Review Paper 011, Wiles, R, Prosser, J., Bagnoli, A., Clark, A., Davies, K., Holland, S. and Renold, E. (2008) Visual Ethics: Ethical Issues in Visual Research, ESRC NCRM Research Methods Review Paper 011, Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N.J. and Hillman, A. (2010) Power, agency and participatory agendas: A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative qualitative research, Childhood, 17:3 Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N.J. and Hillman, A. (2010) Power, agency and participatory agendas: A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative qualitative research, Childhood, 17:3 Ross, N.J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. (2009) ‘Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care’, Qualitative Research, 9(5) 605–623 Ross, N.J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. (2009) ‘Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care’, Qualitative Research, 9(5) 605–623 Substantive papers from project see: Substantive papers from project see: