There is no doubt that this is the technology/telecommunications era. During recent years, technology has enhanced and facilitated all processess. Before, a letter took weeks or even months to travel, and now It only takes minutes to reach to someone in another country or even in another continent. We can also hear and see that person by very handy-and-easy-to-drive devices such as telephone, computer, videoconference, etc. Historical events can be watched around the globe almost simultaneously. Due to this spreading out of information, we had to consider legal aspects about interchanging data and that is why netiquette principles emerged. Every time important facts and discoveries occurred, Education has to be adapted and reoriented to have more meaningful situations. This brings a wide variety of new and different teaching/learning tools which contribute to acquire an excellent educational quality, not only for teachers but also for learners. Students will take advantage of Telecommunication tools and options applied to teaching and learning skills ☏ To have a deep well-organized knowledge about telecommunications ☏ To comprehend, and analyze the following structures ☏ Features and Functions of telecommunications ☏ netiquette Principles ☏ Patterns of teaching with telecommunications ☏ Telecommunication strategies
☏ Communication at a distance (Oral, written, electronic) ☏ Need for information, Uses some kind of network. ☏ Need for information, Uses some kind of network. It is a library, a virtual community ☏ Agricultural, industrial and information waves.
Communicating Asynchronous Communication ☏ Internet service providers ☏ ☏ Listservs (Lurking just to read what others say) ☏ Bulletin boards (public forums to read and post messages) ☏ Usenet and newsgroups (exchange news articles) collects written articles and send them to host computers called newsfeeds. ☏ Telnet (to communicate with a remote host) Synchronous Communication ☏ Internet relay chat (IRC) ☏ MUD, MOO, MUSE (interactive virtual worlds players construct ☏ Conferencing tools (real time) Accessing information ☏ World Wide Web (Hypertext) ☏ Web browser ☏ URL (protocol id, domain-host, and doc.pathname) ☏ Bookmarks ☏ HTTP ☏ HTML ☏ FTP Search Engines
NETIQUETTE PRINCIPLES (Set of rules about how we should behave in various situations) ☏ Interacting with others (Show Respect to others) ☏ Using resources and Services (Time and disk space, and usage limit) ☏ Copyrights (Author rights, ask permission to use the material) ☏ Commercial activities (proper use of the internet) ☏ Dos and Don´ts SEARCH STRATEGIES ☏ Analyze the topic (structure information to have a productive result) ☏ Choose a search Engine (like Yahoo, Altavista, etc) ☏ Narrow the search (use quotation marks, no capital letters, + instead of spaces, near, and) ☏ Troubleshooting Unsuccessful Searches (correctly spelled EVALUATING INFORMATION ☏ Separate content from form ☏ Attend to source (to see if it is reliable) ☏ Check for validity (if it is well referenced) Be concise, avoid flaming, be polite Use threads, be careful when using humor or sarcasm, check regularly, edit messages before replying, subject lines, lurking, read the FAQ, replying to a message on a list, password be forgiving, no personal messages, no chain letters, avoid ALL CAPS, never assume privacy Do not flame another, spamming, don´t assume information is current, don´t perpetuate hoaxes, Do not open e- mail messages from unknown sources.
Virtual Publishing (Publish on the W.W.W.) Tele- Mentoring (Serving as mentors.) FIVE PATTERNS ☏ The Teacher becomes a facilitator of learning. Changes the way teachers teach. ☏ Telecommunications can provide current resources and in-depth information ☏ Learning can be more relevant, realistic that helps students to engage with learning experiences
Rationales for using telecommunications To meet advanced learning goals Rationales for using telecommunications To meet advanced learning goals Bringing real world Relevance into
Electronic Pen pals or Key Pals Web Mentoring Web Resource Web Collaboration Web Survey Cooperative Challenge Social Action Web Publishing Simulations Web Quest
Resources= Internet, computer, telephone, presentation material (banners, markers, tape, etc.) Objectives= To improve analyzes skills, to motivate the different uses of telecommunication, to improve written ability. Students will divide into two main groups. Students will do a benchmarking related to three recognized political parties organizations. Your analyzes will result from Internet interviews, internet surfing and / or telephone achievements. After naming the new political party organization, students will elect a presidential candidate per group. The group will prepare a presidential speech The President candidate will present the main objectives of the party. Members of the party will invite the whole class to join this organization. Homework= prepare a web page and spread the news using at least three communication resources.
☏ Telecommunications are applicable to all areas which are continuously enhanced due to their different advantages. ☏ Teachers should take more chances, implementing telecommunications in learning experiences. ☏ Students need to use tlecommunications to obtain a more satisfactory result from his / her teaching/learning progress. BIBLIOGRAPHY Norton, Priscilla, Debra Spragne. Technology for Learning BIBLIOGRAPHY Norton, Priscilla, Debra Spragne. Technology for Learning. 2001