Cross border cooperation programmes in the period Csaba Hende Körmend, 07/11/2012
2 Negotiations on the cohesion policy Draft legislative package, launched by the Commission, on 6th October Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – ordinary legislative procedure (the former codecision procedure) 3.Negotiations in the Council 1.Council working groups (Structural Actions Working Party, Friends of Presidency) 2.Decision making (COREPER II, General Affairs Council) 3.Responsible for the negotiation process: PL-DK-CY presidency trio 1.PL: interpretation of the proposals 2.DK: partial general approach in specific areas between MSs 3.CY: dialogue with the European Parliament 4.Negotiations in the European Parliament 11 permanent committees 5.Expected date of closure: 1st half of 2013
3 CBC – regulatory context 1.The legislative package on cohesion policy 1 Common provisions regulation 3 Fund-specific regulations (ERDF, ESF, CF) 1 ETC regulation 1 European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation regulation 2. Other regulations concerning the CBC programmes European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA)
4 CBC in the cohesion policy
5 Changes in the CBC regulations 1.Thematic concentration 2.Institutional system 3.Financial instruments 4.Rules of implementation 5.Possibility of involvement of new tools 6.Competence of the Commission
6 Thematic concentration Contribution to the common European objectives (EU2020) 80% of the resources have to be used on 4 thematic objectives (list of thematic objectives and investment priorities are available in the CPR and CBC regulation) In addition to the investment priorities, the following priorities can be supported: Integration of the labour market along borders (mobility, common employment initiatives, common trainings) Cross-border realization of social enclusion and equality Regulatory and administrative cooperation; cooperation between citizens and institutions
7 Institutional system 1.Managing authority MA can carry out functions of the Certifying Authority Implementation report in each year between , by the end of april 2.Joint technical secretariat Same functions as in the current period OP contains the setting-up procedure of JTS 3.Audit authority Same functions AA can apply external audits if its authority does not include the whole programme area
8 Financial elements Co-financing rate can not exceed the 75% (and cannot be less than 20%) Technical assistance is max. 6% of the total resources, but 1,5 m EUR at least
9 Rules of implementation Selection criteria based on real cooperations Partners cooperate in the elaboration, implementation, finance, as well as in ensuring the necessary human capacity (the human costs can be financed up to 15% of the direct costs in lump sum Lead partner principle remaines General N+3 rule on payments
10 Possibility of involvement of new tools Integrated Territorial Investment – ITI Top down approach Community-led Local Development – CLLD Bottom-up approach
11 Competence of the Commission Determination of the cross-border and transnational programme areas Elaboration of the rules regarding the cooperation programmes Determination of the special rules of categories of interventions and accountability Creation of the rules concerning the implementation reports
12 Thank you for your kind attention! Csaba Hende Ministry of National Development Planning and Programming Department