By: Robert Acevedo
Ipad The Ipad is like an ipod touch but it much bigger and with more apps. With all the ipads apps and since it is so light we would be able to take it anywhere. The Ipad was invented because people wanted a something that was in between a laptop and an ipod touch. It has multi touch which allows you to zoom in and out with a pinch or a flick of your fingers. The Ipad is only 1.5 pounds and.5 inches thin.
How this will change the classroom This will change the classroom by making books obsolete there will be no need for buying new books to replace old worn out ones because with a simple touch on its 9.7 inch screen you can download a book. Notebooks will also be a thing of the past because with the Note app you can type anything you want or the teacher can send the notes to you directly.
Android Phones In my opinion Android phones are the latest and greatest in technology. For those people who don’t know what an android phone is examples are the Droid, All Samsung Galaxy phones, My touches, and Google phones. Not only are they used to make calls but they are very advanced and lets not forget that they are sexy.
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant I chose this Android phone not because it was the best one but because I own this phone. Going into this I thought I knew all that was to know about this phone but it turns out there was a lot that I didn’t know. We can use this phone in many ways one way is the Amazon kindle which is built into the phone and you can use this to download books just like in the Ipad. Another way we can use this is by downloading apps that helps us in our classes for example Google sky which lets you see the stars and planets or geometry trivia which allows you to test yourself and there is many more apps where that came from.
New Advancements in Tech As I talked about before android phones aren’t just going to stop they are getting more advanced like I’m sure you have all heard about video calling. Well that is getting more and more popular. It seems as if people want to be able to see each other while talking so step aside regular phone conversations!
Other New Advancements New advancements in the medical field are robot surgeons. Yes I said it in October a man successfully preformed surgery through a robot. Now I bet most of you are thinking that a box with flashing lights that has knives is cutting you open but no its not like that at all. When I say robot surgeons I mean a surgeon is controlling a robot the reasons they are using robots are because they have steadier hands than a human. I am almost 100 % sure that this will be a huge success.
Tech that will Plummet Some of the Tech that will plummet will be tech like notebooks, books, pencils/pens just because of tech like the Ipad that allows you to read with a simple touch on its screen and to type by once again touching the screen will make notebooks, pens and pencils outdated.
Questions I learn many new things about technology that I had to clue of like how the Ipad is a great new advancement and how this tech will start to make keyboards outdated. Well I am extremely interested in technology and not just tech for entertainment but tech that will revolutionize the world. We might you tech like the android phones in class is because it has apps that can help you in math like the geometry trivia and geometry calculator. I would love to learn more about the future of android phones cause if they are so advanced that they have video chatting I could just imagine what they are working on next.
Conclusion In conclusion Technology has come a long way from being a calculator that can only do simple problems to calculators that can show you grids and etc. as from a black and white TV to a 3D TV. And eventually we will go from cars to hover cars.
Sources /worlds-first-all-robot-surgery- performed-montreal nt T-mobile Agent Apple Agent