Retention Factors in the Workforce: Turnover Statistics As reported in the 2008 Public Child Welfare Workforce Study California Social Work Education Center Sherrill J. Clark
Table 1 Statewide Turnover Rates For All Types Of Turnover By Position FY Social work ass’ts NON Case- carrying social workers Intake Case- carrying social workers Ongoing Case- carrying social workers SupesMgrs/ program mgrs AdminsTotal EXTERNAL TURNOVER: left the agency % % % combined % % % % INTERNAL TURNOVER: left child welfare but not the agency % % % 37 combined % 1 0.2% % INTERNAL TURNOVER: changed positions within child welfare % % % 315 combined % % 9 8.% % Total turnover numbers by position Combined turnover rates for external turnover and internal turnover leaving the department 6.3%6.1%9.4%5.3%5.1%11.5%8.2% Combined turnover rates reported in 2008 for ALL kinds of turnover 10.1%12.4%17%9.8%12.7%19.5%14.8% Population: Full and Part time (excluding extra hire & CDSS)
Table 2 External Turnover for All Positions by RTA (48 Counties Reporting External Turnover Data For FY ) RTA RegionSW Ass’ts Non Case- carrying SWs Intake Case- carrying SWs Ongoing Case- carrying SWs SupervisorsManagers/ Program managers Admin.Total Northern (29 of 29 reporting) Turnover rates- -Northern 7.9%7.1%13.9%12.5%5.9%9.7%13%10.9% Bay Area (9 of 12 reporting) Turnover rate— Bay Area 5.5%6.4%13.4%11.95%8.7%12.5%16.7%10.4% Central (9 of 11 reporting) Turnover rate-- Central 8.2%9.6%10.3%11.4%3.2% 8.3%9% Southern (4 of 5 reporting) Turnover rate-- Southern 11.5%7.1%12.1%23.2%10%8.8%10%14.4% Los Angeles2not reported223Combined with intake Turnover rate – Los Angeles 0.8%n/a7%3.9%2%30%6.1% Total external turnover Turnover rate by position 6.4%7.5%10.6% combined 5.7%6.5%14.1%9.9%
Table 3 Percentages Of External Turnover Reported By Region For All Positions Comparison Years AllNorthernBay areaCentralSouthernLos Angeles 1998 Direct service workers & Supervisors (combined SWs and supervisors) 11.8** *** 2004 Child welfare social workers 9.5 (excluding Los Angeles) (child welfare workers and analysts) 2004 Supervisors 7.4 (with Los Angeles) Child welfare social workers Supervisors