Class Procedures Quiz
1- What should you do as soon as you enter the classroom? A. check to see what tv shows your friend watched last night B. look at the things on the touch table C. write a note on the white board D. copy down the warm-up and answer it
2- What could you do if your Sharpie runs out of ink during a lab experiment? A. ask a friend if you could borrow his/hers for a minute B. use a banana to borrow one from Mrs. Harris C. either A or B D. you’re doomed
3- What is the one big rule for this class? A. Don’t cause a problem for someone else. B. Always follow the rules. C. Be a Titan. D. Who needs rules?
4- If you miss class, where can you go to find the warm-up for the day? A. ask your mom B. check on the blog C. ask Mrs. Harris D. you’re doomed
5- True or False It is OK to talk during warm-ups.
6- What should you wear each late-start Wednesday?
7- What might happen if you “dink around” during a science experiment? A. Your group will do the experiment wrong and lose points. B. Your group might break equipment and have to pay for it. C. Your group will lose a citizenship grade level. D. All of the above.
8-True or False It is OK to ask to use the hall pass to go to the vending machines.
9- What should be glued to the inside front cover of your notebook?
10- What 9 things should you bring to class every day?
11- Where should your backpacks be during a lab experiment?
12- If you are absent for a whole week on vacation, what can you do to “make-up” for the stuff you missed? A. check the blog and complete any notes or worksheets posted there B. complete an extra homework project or two for extra points C. complete a “science is everywhere” essay about where you went on vacation and bring back a magnet for Mrs. Harris D. any or all of the above
13- What percentage of questions do you have to answer correctly on a benchmark test to qualify for the fun Reward Day after the test?
14- If you are absent on the day notebooks are scored, how long do you have to turn in your score for full credit?
15- True or False Doing a Science Fair Project is a requirement for 7 th grade.
16- How many times can you retake a benchmark test for a better score? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. as many times as it takes to get 80%
17- Where is the pencil sharpener located? A. above the garbage can B. next to the white board C. next to the teacher’s desk D. next to the eyewash station
18- What percentage of possible points must you achieve to earn an “A” grade in science? A. 87% B. 90% C. 93% D. 100%
19- True or False Cell phones may be used in this class as stopwatches, calculators, planners, and research tools.
20- What is the motto for Mrs. Harris’ class? If you’re ___________ ________, you will probably ________ something by _______________.