W HAT D O W E M EAN BY D IALOGUE ? DebateDiscussionDialogue Accepts assumptions as Truth Surfaces various assumptions Examines assumptions Point – Counterpoint Majority rules; agree to disagree Seeks common ground; supports consensus PersuasiveInformative Reflective
L EADING BY CONVENING … Conduct interactive discussions across stakeholders Examine assumptions held Seek common ground Support consensus Encourage application
C OMPONENTS OF D IALOGUE G UIDES DG Topic Brief Policy or research available now to the field Brief article or summary Reaction Questions Acknowledgement of differing perspectives Honor all roles in the room Application Questions Implications for advancing practice together Encouragement to move forward
D IALOGUE G UIDE R EACTION Q UESTIONS Some samples: Why is ___ important to you ? In your experience, __? Why do you think or believe this is so? (rationale) From your perspective, ___? Please give examples. What do your colleagues say about __?
D IALOGUE G UIDE A PPLICATION Q UESTIONS Some samples: How can you support new understanding? What guidelines might we put into place to address ___? Who else/what other roles need to be involved in decision- making about ___. How and when do we invite others into the process? In what ways will we determine if we are implementing ___ in an effective and efficient manner?
C URRENTLY AVAILABLE IDEA Statute (79) IDEA Regulations (122) Mathematics (1) [Center on Instruction] President’s New Freedom Commission Report on Mental Health (5) Reading (1) [Center on Instruction] Response to Intervention (6) Secondary Transition (11)
A WAITING APPROVAL Assistive Technology (7) Creating Agreement (1) English Language Learners (8) Summary of Performance (1) Universal Design for Learning (3)
D RAFT /R EVISION Autism (+8) Response to Intervention (+19) Secondary Transition (+8)
F UTURE TOPICS Assessment Career and technical education Disproportionality School behavioral mental health Youth leadership Others as identified by the field
U SING THE DG S TO C REATE D IALOGUE Review Facilitator’s Guide Invite stakeholders Bring stakeholders together Read and reflect on the issues Exchange perspectives on the issues using the Reaction Questions Build new understanding and/or take action on an issue after consideration of and discussion around Application Questions
What are examples of SEA documents that should be translated into “bridging” formats? What stakeholder groups would you invite into the process? Of writing dialogue guides Of using dialogue guides How will you partner with state affiliates of professional organizations to promote existing Dialogue Guides as a means to improve outcomes for all students?