Mr. Robbins Introduction to Autonomous Robotics Robotics Webquest Mr. Robbins Introduction to Autonomous Robotics
Introduction Robotics in the movies and in television are quite different than robotics in reality. From the helpful, intelligent robots in the Star Wars movies to the human hunting character in the Terminator movies, robotics technology is not as helpful, as intelligent, or as independent as we might like it to be.
Introduction Through research and study, engineers and programmers are working to make more versatile robots for a variety of jobs and applications, and to expand the capabilities of current technology. The future of robotics is only limited by the creativity and the ability of the next generation of programmers and builders.
Introduction Your assignment is to find as much information as possible about several different aspects of robotics technology, research, employment, and uses. As a class, this will develop a more complete picture of what robotics is and what it can become.
Robotics Webquest Each student will work individually to complete a Robotics webquest and prepare a short presentation using Powerpoint and notes. Choose two of the seven topics and find relevant information for each topic. Try to answer all of the questions for each topic and include any other important information that is found and provides new insight into the use of robotics as an educational tool and as an industrial tool.
Resources Each topic will use different resources to complete the webquest. Begin your search using a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. Some topics may overlap and use the same sites and information. The resource list is not complete. Each topic should list at least two additional sources of information in addition to the sources given.
Topic 1: Robotics Classroom Building Systems What is available for schools to use as robotics training systems? What is the cost of each system to start? Is the system modular (expandable) or self contained? What curriculum materials are available for each system? What are some of the benefits of each system? What are some of the drawbacks of each system?
Topic 2: Robotics Classroom Learning Activities What are high schools and colleges using as training activities for robotics classrooms? What are some design challenges used by schools? How do the design challenges build skills in robotics? Are the skills transferable to industrial robotics applications?
Topic 3: Robotics Competitions What are some of the robotics competitions currently being held? Are the robotics competitions regional, national or local? Who sponsors the robotics competitions? What are some of the rules, limitations and constraints for the competitions? What are some of the prizes and rewards for each of the competitions? How does the competition help students in robotics?
Topic 4: Employment in Robotics Technology What are some of the jobs available in robotics? What level of education is required? What are some of the qualifications? What are the salaries of the different levels of robotics employment? Where are the jobs located?
Topic 5: Industrial Robotics What types of industries use robotics and how? How has robotics changed manufacturing technology? How has robotics evolved from the introduction of industrial robotics to current technology? What is the future of robotics?
Topic 6: Military Robotics What are some of the tasks robotics perform in today’s military? What are some training opportunities for robotics study in the military? What kind of goals does the military have for robotics in the future? What branches of the military have robotics programs?
Topic 7: Scientific Exploration using Robotics Where are robotics used for exploration in the scientific community? Are the robotics private industry or government sponsored? What are some future plans for robotics in space, on the ground or underwater? What training or experience is required to start in scientific exploration?
Evaluation The evaluation of each webquest will be based on several things: Presentation- 5-7 minutes, organization of information Powerpoint – visuals and summary of information, 6-10 slides Completeness and accuracy of information Resource list – links to material for further investigation
Conclusion After researching your topics, sharing the information with the class, and viewing your classmates presentations you should have a greater understanding of some aspects of robotics and why it is important and relevant in today's educational system.