Bioinformatics Scheme of the sequencing project (Martínez & Figueras, 2007) Construction Bookseller Bases determination Fragments assembly Gene search Publication Sequencing autonomic Sequences cleaning Search of contigs AnnotationDatabase Construction Use of the informatics tools for: Acquisition, storage, organization and visualization of biological data and data analyses, mathematical modeling, simulation and, Interpretation and constructions of the database for sequencing gene.
1.- Automatizing : The data need to be treated the same manner in different laboratory Avoid ramdon errors 2.- Determination of the Bases Desoxinucleótidos markers Determined Traza Some formats: ABI –Applied Biosystems Format ALF –Pharmacia Format CTF –Compact Trace Format SCF –Std Chromatogram Format ZTR-Compressed Trace Format
Both the NCBI and Ensembl databases are traces usually associated with large sequencing projects, and offer the same web browser (Martínez & Figueras, 2007)
3.- Cleaning of sequencing Need cleaning of foreign vectors; p.e., mitochondrial, yeast or E. colli sequencing (
4.- Assembling and search of contig It is usually part of the sequencing most time-consuming as it requires further testing and highly specialized tasks until the final sequence The assembly is a computationally expensive procedure, especially in terms RAM required, and if there are unreliable repeat regions. Genomic library of Rodaballo (University off Lugo, Martínez & Figueras, 2007) )
5.-Alignment Sequence alignment is a way order two biological sequences of DNA, RNA or protein to identify regions of similarity that may result from a relationship functional, structural or evolutionary between them. Classic formats are FASTA and GenBank entry; Output formats are classic Clustal and Phylip. 6.-Alignment algorithms BLAST, is the algorithm for search more used (Martínez & Figueras, 2007)
7.- DataBase
This database is the major for Proteins
Interface to the database of EST's for turbot. USC. (Martínez & Figueras, 2007) Martínez Portela P. & A. Figueras Huerta Genética y Genómica en Acuicultura. Serie: Publicaciones científicas y tecnológicas del Observatorio Español de Acuicultura. 889 pp.