T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … The Danger: –God’s ways and man’s often conflict (Isaiah 55:8,9) –The way that seems right to a man may lead to death (Proverbs 16:25) –It is not in man to direct his own steps (Jeremiah 10:23) –Christ—not any other—is head of the church (Ephesians 1:22,23)
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Examples… –The people demanded gods (Exodus 32:1-6) –Saul feared the people (1 Samuel 15:9,15,21,24) –Israel demanded a king (1 Samuel 8:1-9) –The people demanded crucifixion (Matthew 27:20-26)
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Applications: People today still demand their “molded gods”…leaders still comply! –Relics and images (1 Thessalonians 1:9) –Denominationalism (1 Corinthians 1:10) –Mechanical instruments and entertainment (Colossians 3:16,17) –Recreation to draw people, carnal and social (Romans 1:16)
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Applications: People today still demand to serve God in their own way; their leaders still fear and try to comply. –The demand permissive doctrines. (2 Timothy 4:3,4) –We must worship in spirit and in truth! (John 4:24)
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Applications: People today still demand to serve God their own way; their leaders still fear and try to comply. –God does NOT respect sacrifice in place of obedience. (Jeremiah 7:2,23) –To disobey God is to dishonor God! Worship not commanded is vain and empty, an act of disobedience. (Matthew 15:8,9)
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Applications: People today still demand to be organized in their own way—some gladly comply: –Prophets in Mormonism; Watchtower Society; Pope; Cardinals; Catholic Bishops; Priests; Synods; Councils; Committees; Pastoral System (Jeremiah 5:31; Acts 20:29) –The Lord organized the local church the way He wanted it; let’s leave it alone! (Philippians 1:1)
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Applications: People persecute those who stand for truth…and many leaders provoke such: –Preachers who expose error are often labeled as trouble makers. (1 Kings 18:17,18) –Preachers who rebuke sin are often marked for retribution. (John 5:16-23)
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Applications: People persecute those who stand for truth…and many leaders provoke such: –Sound preaching has never been popular with sinners who want to continue in sin. (Matthew 11:7-20) –What kind of preaching do you desire? Noah? Jeremiah? John the Baptist? Jesus? Stephen? Paul? (2 Timothy 4:2-5)
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Conclusion: –People today still demand their “molded gods”… –Many people influence their leaders to be permissive… –Many demand organizations other then the Lord’s… –The people still persecute those who stand for the truth…
T HE V OICE OF THE P EOPLE … Conclusion: –We can NEVER yield to the pressure to compromise the truth. (2 Timothy 4:2-4) –We can NEVER yield to the pressure to compromise with those who do not want the truth taught. (Acts 4:18-20) –Stand up for Jesus and His word! Many Elders and Preachers Yield to the Pressure