Homosexuality: And The Christian Response
What does the Bible say? Leviticus 18:22 Leviticus 20:13 Deuteronomy 23: Kings 14:24 Romans 1: Corinthians 6:9-10
Issues Homosexual was never used in the Bible until Sodom was punished because of their continued cruelness... We are not bound by the law types Homosexuality happens in nature We are born this way But we love each other
Issues Paul is not condemning homosexuality in Romans 1 - but condemning certain types of homosexual activity Paul is condemning homosexual acts with idol worship - vs 28 and 29 must also be true Paul is condemning homosexual acts with children Paul is condemning “unnatural” homosexuality. - vs 28 and 29
Christian’s Response 2 Camps Homosexuality and homosexuals are evil... We should accept homosexuals and homosexuality as normal... Neither one is entirely Biblical
Christian Response See sin as sin We cannot condone sin Homosexuality is certainly sin
Christian Response Hate the sin, love the sinner. John 8 Sin is sin Go and sin no more
Christian Response John 3:16-17 The Gospel
Boycotting Should Christians boycott Starbucks??? Stewardship Taking a Stand The Gospel Motive
Homosexuality: And The Christian Response