Link to other knowledge Common fractions Place Value
tenths, hundredths, thousandths and, other powers-of-ten parts of a unit
Students background knowledge about fractions : Students should know : that to partition a unit into tenths, there must be 10 equal parts make the connection between the model, the oral name and the fraction 10 tenths make a whole that 7 tenths is less than a whole and 27 tenths is more than a whole
0.3 is a new symbol for 3 and is 10 read like 3, i.e. “3 tenths” 10 27 or 2 7 is written as and read as " 2 and 7 tenths"
The word and is said for the decimal point. Reading decimals in this way help to connect decimal and fraction ideas
The Model Symbol 0.3 or 3 10 Word/Oral “three tenths”
Provide the model ( a hundred square, strips of tenths & small squares of hundredths)
Model a whole a tenth a hundredth
Show 4, 7, 10, Develop the idea that 1 strip is equivalent to 1 10 Use 2 strips and 3 squares to cover the hundred square
23 = Now connect to the place-value interpretation ones tenthshundredths 023
2 = 0.2 or By connecting the model, the symbol, & the word Visual, tangible, tactile, symbolic, & auditory
year olds in US shows less competency for the thousandths Why?? Less emphasis on these decimals Teachers expect children to generalize after the hundredths
Smaller decimals should be done primarily through place value interpretation thousandths should be developed as one tenth of a hundredth and the understanding that 10 thousandths is 1 100
Decimals and other common fractions: Develop the skill of being able to relate fractions to decimals. Hopefully then the students will be able to write fraction notation decimal